Chapter 5 - The Trash Tower

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A/N: Warning - Some inappropriateness is involved in this chapter. It's not much, in fact some might not even find it inappropriate, however I felt it should be addressed. Enjoy!

The next day Erik arose from his bed, eager to get the trip started. He thought he was going to have trouble sleeping due to his eagerness and nervousness but found that with a little bit of alcohol, he was able to pass out. Erik hadn't gone over his plans with Charles whatsoever but that didn't bother him and in fact, it shouldn't bother Charles. He could tell the boy would be just as excited to get out of this inn as he was.

After getting dressed for his adventure and making sure he had everything he needed for at least a week, he locked the door behind him and made his way to find Charles. It was an easy task since he was waiting by the main entrance with his mother, Mme. DuMonde. Erik was making his way over to where they stood while he heard the last of the conversation.

"Now Charles, I know you're excited but please be safe. The world is cruel and can be unkind to even the faintest trace of loveliness and grace," Mme. DuMonde was telling her son, gently stroking his cheek as if this would be the last time she saw him.

"Mother relax, I will have the company of Mr. Richard after all" Charles bravely stated, removing his mother's hand as if he was embarrassed.

"It is my job to worry. Though I am sure you will be safe with Mr. Richard," Mme. DuMonde looked up and suddenly noticed Erik was approaching, "Isn't that right Mr. Richard?"

Erik nodded, looking over everything the boy was carrying. 'Good, no suitcase' Erik thought to himself, noticing he was probably bringing as much clothes as he was, "Of course Mme. He will be safe."

"See?" Charles replied, "No need to worry."

Mme. DuMonde handed the boy what looked like to be two bags of money and hugged him tightly, "Please if you're gone for too long, write to your mother ok?"

"Yes mother," he said, giving Erik an apologetic look.

Erik showed no emotion to the exchange; his mother never hugged him like that. His mind was about to wander off to his childhood days before the gypsy circus when his attention was shifted back to Mme. DuMonde, in the present.

"And as for you, Mr. Richard," she said, patting him on the back, "If anything should happen to him-"

"Madame honestly, the threats are not necessary," Erik interrupted, squeezing his hand on her shoulder, "He... We shall be fine."

Mme. DuMonde nodded, seemingly to be satisfied with that answer, "All right then, off you go."

With that, the two nodded and walked towards Paris. It was quite early in the morning; the sun was just beginning to shine into the town's windows and the shops were sweeping the sidewalks, getting ready for the day's business.

"Mr. Richard," Charles began, looking at Erik, "If we're going to be traveling together, can I at least know your first name?"

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