Chapter 75: Mom?

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A silence followed thereafter. Both stood stunned, shocked to see each other in a place like this. But, before Lucas could say another word, his mother rushed him with a hug,

"Oh Arceus! What are you doing here? Are you okay? Did these people hurt you?", she asked, glaring at Hugo and Jerry from across the room.

"Mom. I'm fine, I'm fine."

"Then why are you here? You're not part of this whole mess with this criminal organization, right?"

"Well, he's fought them before.", Seijo states, his mom's eyes widening. She looked at Seijo for a second, then back to Lucas, his eyes averted not to meet the gaze of his mother's eyes. That was when Seijo understood, "You haven't told her about Team Storm, have you?"

The whole room went silent, no one saying a single word. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. His mom took a breath and asked as calmly as possible,

"Do you have something you need to tell me?"

Lucas couldn't respond. He didn't seem to find the words. Maybe he was scared. Nervous. So, a friend came to his aid first,

"We first met Team Storm when we were on Route 101.", Ellie started, "They captured a whole family of Zorua, and we only managed to save one of them. They're probably suffering out there, stranded from the Zorua we kept."

"Then, we encountered them again.", continued Seijo, "They broke into my gym, leaving a wrecked heap in their wake. They took all of the Pokemon entrusted to me by an old friend. I was left without a job, and without almost all the Pokemon I'd spent years with."

"And, Meteor Falls.", Lucas finally began to speak, meeting his mom's eyes.

"I thought you told me you were past Meteor Falls!"

"I'm sorry Mom. But, after having to fight through so many grunts looking to kill, helping people escape from death. Then, what happened with the meteorite. Seeing Ellie poisoned..."

His mom gazed upon Ellie for a second, noting her uncomfortable and saddened expression before a comforting hand rested on her shoulder from Seijo.

"Then, the building collapsed. All those people who I'd fought against. Gone. After everything, I just didn't want to talk about it. It's painful now. And, I knew that if you saw how much we'd gotten involved in, you'd send me home for my safety. And, I didn't want that. So, I didn't tell you. I'm sorry."

"That's how you feel?", his mom brushed away Lucas' tears, comforting her child with another hug, "You can tell me anything, you know. And, now that I've heard it, I'm not mad. I'm proud. My boy, fighting through everything, getting up even when the world is determined to beat him down. But, you don't have to do it alone. You have your friends alongside you, and you're growing up. But, I'm still your mom. And, I want you to be able to talk to me."

"So, what happens now then?"

"We finish Team Storm. Or, at least hurt them. I don't want you getting hurt any longer. And, you all have your reasons for fighting. As do I. So, I'll give you my blessing to go along with this plan. And, you can continue your adventure, just taking a little bit more caution not to run into too much trouble."

"Thank you, Mom.", he said as they hugged even tighter.

"No problem, sweetie. Just know, you're always welcome home, if you ever wanna take a break from everything. So, explain to me how this break in will work."

"The kids, Ellie, Alex and Lucas, will be sneaking in to try and free all the Pokemon without alerting any attention to themselves, so they don't get hurt in any big fights. The kids will use the vents while the adults try and bruteforce through as many grunts and admins as possible to create an opening.", Bolt explained.

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