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Vincent Florence

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Vincent Florence

The shower I had wasn't anything special. It reminded me of my old high school when I used to shower among my male classmates. I can recall the times when we would all be bare under the showers and show each other off, comparing our endowments. Friends would playfully tease one another by slapping their wet skin. It's how I came to terms about my sexuality when I realized I would stare too much at guys and feel myself become aroused.

But here, in Auburn, there was no teasing. No laughter or skin on skin contact. Gone are the days when I could put my hands on my friends shoulder and pinch their skin. These guys here are quiet. And it's understandable. Shower time, especially with other naked men, is an awkward feeling. But it shouldn't have to be.

I returned to my room with a towel on my waist. I did encounter some other guys along my way, most of whom didn't bat an eye but some did stare at me. Most likely because I'm the new kid who is also poor.

Once I entered my room, I sighed in relief and sat in my chair. I looked at my clothes that sat on my bed. I slowly put them on until I was in my night attire, which consisted of some high-knee shorts and white shirt. My eyes turned to a painting that was bolted onto the wall that was joined with Connor's.

The painting wasn't like the Mona Lisa or Picasso. It was just of an angel whose wings were spread out as it stood on a rock. When I touched the painting, it jolted, something that a bolted painting shouldn't do. That's when I realized it wasn't bolted in.

When I pushed the frame to the side, the painting moved and the wall was behind it. I saw a hole in the wall that made a large peephole to Connor's room. Curiosity got the best of me and I peered in.

My eyes scanned Connor's room, which looked like my room but had a bit more personal items around, such as a pair of shoes on the desk and books opened. Connor wasn't in my line of sight but I could hear some rustling on the side. I looked closer and saw a Lord of the Flies book on his desk that was worn out heavily, probably from his constant reading.

Connor came into view and wore nothing. Absolutely nothing on his body. He was completely naked and I was bearing witness to his nakedness. His entire body was a soft tan color, similar to light caramel. His body had a small shine to it that I can distinguish as lotion. And his penis. Despite it being flaccid, its size was barbaric. As he walked to his desk, it swung like a pendulum and hypnotized me. His firm ass jiggled per every step he took.

"Fuck..." I muttered. I must have spoken too loudly because next thing I know, Connor is looking at me through the peephole, his blue eyes staring back at me.

"Never pegged you for a voyeur, Vincent." Connor said, a sly smirk on his face. I could finally make out small specks of freckles on his face that were mainly bundled on his nose and some on his cheeks.

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