4: Promenade

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Vincent Florence

By the time it was 7 am, two hours before class started, I was already dressed and ready to go. I took a quick shower and did my hair as best as I could. I decided to button up my blazer to make myself feel a bit thinner. I had my necessary books in my bookbag and draped it over my shoulder.

I knocked on the wall that I adjoined with Connor, knocking a few feathered taps.

"Connor..." I whispered. "Are you awake?" I asked.

"No." He replied. "Of course I am. What do you need?" He asked.

"Well, I'm ready and I'm bored." I said.

"Wait a few more minutes. We'll go get breakfast. Just... chill." Connor said. I sat back at my desk and texted my mom.

'Mom! It's my first day of class!' I texted.

'Are you and your friends going to eat? Don't forget to eat breakfast!' She texted back.

'We're going to the dining hall soon!'

'Perfect! Good luck, Vinny. Do great things!' Mom texted.

'I will!' I replied and turned off my phone. Right on queue, there was a knock on the wall I share with Connor.

"Hey Vinny! You ready? Let's go!" Connor yelled through the wall. I jumped up and headed straight for the door and opened it. I encountered Connor who had just finished leaving his dorm alongside me. Connor scanned my body and then did a double take, this time his eyes lingering on me much longer

"You okay there?" I asked.

"I am now." Connor muttered. "Come with me. We'll meet the others down there and eat before class starts." Connor said. I quickly followed him behind and the two of us walked through the dorm wing and into the main hallway.

This time unlike the past two days I've been here, the halls were a bit more populated. I ran into more students here and, while many didn't seem to care about someone like me, some did take glances at me.

"Am I popular?" I asked Connor.

"No. You're only popular if you're on the student council. You have notoriety because you're the first p-" He stopped himself. "You're the first... lower class person to attend this school since its inception."

"Because I feel like everyone is looking at me. Is there hazing at this school? Am I going to be drenched in water or be stripped naked?" I asked.

"Not that I can recall, no, there isn't any hazing here. The Peace Corps officers will be around and I'd doubt they allow something like that. But... seeing as how the president doesn't like you... I wouldn't count your chickens before they hatch." Connor warned me.

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