20: Babylon | MATURE

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once again, trigger warning. heavy on the Christian metaphors here.

good luck my babes <3




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Connor Devonshire

As much as I didn’t want to be here, I was already too deep. And thus, I needed to continue with this. Otherwise, all the psychological torture that I endured in the past hours will have been for nothing. 

“Should we split up?” I asked Vinny. 

“Yeah! We’ll cover more ground!” He shouted due to the music that blared from the speakers.

“I’ll take the left, you take the right.” I said. Vinny nodded. He gave me a hug before leaving me to endure this myself. 

In front of me was a sea of people who danced with one another. Seas of people grinded on one another and kissed whoever stood on their right or left. Women exchanged pills between their tongues and men egged on women to touch one another.

There were several marble pillars on the sides of the dance hall. Atop each pillar was a throne with a person sitting on it. They held chalices in their hands and drank from them. I counted six in total, three on one side and three on the other, all spaced out on the sides of the hall. 

But what piqued my curiosity was the back of the hall. What normally would be something of a stage was instead a large velvet curtain that concealed whatever was behind. 

“You think they have a surprise later?” Tavia asked from my earpiece.

“Ooh! Maybe they brought back Tupac or MJ from the dead!” Percy replied. 

I ducked quickly as two buff men with a woman tied to a stick and hung down passed by me. The woman had an apple in her mouth and her skin looked to be glazed with some sauce. 

As I walked through the people, I kept seeing the mark of the beat on everyone’s forehead. It’s essentially a black ticket for this place. 

There was a door on the walls that I wanted to explore. Upon stepping in, there seemed to be a wedding occurring. But in this case, the groom was in a wedding dress and the bride in a tuxedo. Above them was a canopy of flowers, however, the flowers were wilted and buzzing with flies.

So that’s a no.

Next door. There was a screening of a movie. The room was shaped like a theater. On the screen was a montage of Vietnam and Cambodian war footage. Behind it was an audio of President Nixon speaking. That’s when I realized I was listening to the 18 missing minutes. 

Back outside, I decided to join the dance floor and look around at the individuals who immersed themselves with the body. 

After bumping into a guy dressed and painted as a dead mariachi, I found a circle where everyone was cheering someone on. In the middle of the circle was a man who was bedazzled with crystals on his body. Two women shone flashlights on his body, creating specs of lights onto the patrons around. 

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