34: Farewell

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Vincent Florence

It’s been over a year since I left the courthouse, declared an innocent man. After I received my diploma from Auburn, our group stuck to our deal and went on a trip to Greece. Luckily, Connor knew much about what places to visit. Overall, it was a much needed trip to get away from everything we lived through. 

I returned to Wisconsin with no idea on what to do with my life. But we needed money, so I agreed to do a few interviews with different news stations and radios. I told my side. I described everything I went through. It seems that my voice has resonated with others because I’m always getting emailed and messaged by other people who are using my words for encouragement. 

The following months were slow. I still talked to my friends, especially Connor, everyday. Connor visited me several times and even slept in my room. I’ve only fallen in love with this man more and more. He was with me through everything, so I know our love is strong.

In the fall, I decided to try my luck again and apply to Harvard, the school I was going to attend. Luckily, it seems that my reputation is highly desired, and thus, I was accepted into the school. Connor was also accepted into his school, MIT, which means that the two of us will be going to college in the same city. 

My other friends also had their own forms of luck. Percy got into his father’s alumni, Princeton. Tavia is going to Rice University. Dorian and Archie chose a different path. Dorian won her case against her father and her other tormentors. But even with those men in jail, she was still “broken” (she never was). So she and Archie decided to use their money and move to Barbados, following the footsteps of Connor’s other brother. There, they established a small bar that they run together. We visited them in the summer of 2029, right before we went off to college.

Regarding the student council. Pretty much, almost all the former members were arrested and tried for their crimes. Ironic that we were almost charged for endangering the country, when these accusers were the committees of those crimes. 

The ones who got the worst sentence were the Barringtons. Sarah won’t be a bother to us anymore. The same can also be said to the other patrons of that night. 

The only one who got off scott free was Milton Livington. Now that his parents and his arranged wife were thrown in prison, he inherited his father’s company. From here, he married the love of his life and is now raising their kid. I constantly receive updates from Milton and was even asked to be his son’s Godfather. 

Natalia, the woman who helped me in the tower, also got her happy ending. Now that she was debt free, and using the money that people raised for her once they discovered her predicaments, she was able to move far away with her family and begin a new life. Now, she and her family own a small farm in Idaho, where they spend their days tending to their crops and animals. 

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