9: Election

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Vincent Florence

I had a suit that I wanted to wear today for the Voting Ceremony. But when I showed Octavia my outfit, she actually gagged when she looked at it. She insisted on choosing an outfit for me. I ended up agreeing since I understand that impressions, especially during elections, are key to success.

Here I was, standing in front of a mirror with a black suit on and my hair styled back. Octavia put my Auburn Nights pin under my blazer.

"He's going to love this." She muttered.

"Who?" I asked.

"Connor, silly!" She chuckled and skipped away to collect a small bag.

"Why Connor? Aren't I doing this to impress the student body?" I asked.

"Let's be honest, Vinny. You like Connor and he likes you. The sexual tension I pick up from the two of you even turns me on. This is to impress the school, but it wouldn't hurt to also impress Connor." She winked at me and began to put moisturizer on my face.

"I mean, we had our first date. He hasn't really mentioned anything. What if he didn't like it?" I asked.

"I'm pretty sure he did. I overheard him talking to one of his brothers about the date and he was bragging about how great it was. Maybe it's because we've all been busy with the election. Ask him out later and see what he says." She told me.

It is true that we've all been busy with the election. Everyone, even Archie and Dorian, have been putting their efforts into getting the word out that I am running for council member. After final touches, with Octavia putting on a pin with my face on it, we exited her room to see the rest of our friends heading our way.

As he was talking with Percy, Connor stopped in his tracks as soon as he saw me. His eyes lingered on my body, scanning me from head to toe.

"Connor! Connor!" Percy said, waving his hand in Connor's face.

"You look amazing." Connor muttered.

"I know I do!" Octavia replied.

"Not you, Tavia!" Percy said, lightly punching her shoulder.

"Ow! Don't put your hands on me." Tavia replied. Percy and Tavia began to poke and pinch each other back and forth. Archie pulled out his phone and began recording while Dorian covered her face with her clipboard.

"Hey! Tweedledee and Tweedledum! Let's go! The ceremony is starting soon!" Connor said. The two had stopped fighting and we started to walk through the halls and into the quad. Our position was designed by Dorian, who insisted that I walk ahead of us. Connor would be behind me since I'm closest to him. Then followed by Percy and Tavia. Archie would be behind them and Dorian all the way in the back. She insisted on being there.

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