22: Doomsday

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Vincent Florence

My memories of the past blasted through me in a quick, luminous flash. Almost as if I was on the verge of death and I relived the past few hours. But as quick as they came, it quickly faded. And all that I could see, feel- and for some reason hear- darkness.

The best part of this darkness was the peace and quiet. I haven't had such lustrous sleep since, well, since before I was born. It was a much needed slumber that I have put off for nearly two decades.

Just like most good things, this peace had to come to an end. And slowly, I opened my eyes to return to the conscious world. This wicked, nefarious world.

I slowly fully opened my eyes and looked to the ceiling. Above me was a wooden ceiling, dark oak, I think. And then my sense of touch came in. My hands, arms, legs, and feet felt something soft. And fuzzy.

'A blanket.' I thought to myself.

A grunt escaped my lips. I stretched my arms and legs to relieve my fatigue. And I sat up slowly. I looked around to where I was at. The pieces came together and I saw that I was back in the Auburn Nights dormitory. Currently, I was in the beds on the loft.

The entire room was dark, with a few lamps turned on near me. After getting enough strength, my feet landed on the cold floor. Luckily, someone left slippers for me. Then I scanned around and found a large sweater that I put on.

One thing that I just realized was how quiet the common room was. If I was here, then someone else should be here too with me. I tiptoed down the stairs and entered the ground floor.

The lights for the kitchen were on. On the counter was a glass of water and a small packet. I lifted the note next to the glass of water and read it.

Dear Vinny,

If you wake up while we're gone, please drink this. Open the packet and pour it into the water and drink it quickly! We're out getting some food. We'll see you soon!


Connor... Connor. Yeah, Connor. My boyfriend.

I followed the instructions on the note. Before I drank it, I checked the glass. It was clear, no fizziness, and no weird smell. So it's not poison. After drinking the water with the packet, which was most likely some vitamins, I went over to turn on the lights for the common.

There was nothing new about the common room. It was all the same. Just as I remembered it. Except for the corner of the common room. There lies a large table filled with several computers and equipment. Next to the tables are the costumes that Connor and I wore for the event.

I guess something did change.

There was a loud bang from where the entrance was. I jolted and stepped back as the large wooden door opened and my friends all came in. As soon as they entered, they all stopped and stared at me.

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