25: Affair

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Vincent Florence

There is no easy way to ask someone about a person who hurt them in their past. Opening a wound can cause a floodgate of unwanted and forgotten feelings to resurface. And thus, it took me an immense amount of effort to even get the courage to ask my mom about my father. 

I was raised by a single mother. And that’s all I needed in my life. Even at a young age, I never asked about my dad. It’s just one of those things that, if you don’t have one, nor never grew up with one, there is no point in asking. 

My single mom was all I needed. She worked jobs, came to my award shows, showed me how to ride a bike, and was there during my first heartbreak. And a lack of a father figure did not impair me. Honestly I would say that I was taught to be a loyal person, a trait my dad was never around to teach me. 

And thus, after the third ring, my mom picked up and I knew that a difficult conversation was going to be had. 

“Vinny,” My mom cheerily said into the phone. “How are you?” She asked.

“Good, good.” I said.

“Great! Your friends came by yesterday. They gave me a ‘My Son Is Going To Harvard’ bumper sticker.” My mom said, a slight chuckle in her voice.

“Yeah, they told me they were going to do that. But I have to ask you something important, mom.” I said, my voice sounding less excited than usual.

“Oh no. Is it about tuition? I could ask for some donations of you need help–” 

I cut my mom off. “No. Tuition is being taken care of by the school. It’s– It’s about dad.” My mom’s line went silent. “Mom?” I asked.

“Do you really want to know?” She asked.

“Yes, mom. I’m old enough to know.” I said. I opted to not inform her that I already knew about him thanks to Ms. Stick-Up-Her-Ass Barrington. 

“Your father was… an interesting person.” Mom said. She let out a grunt, meaning she was sitting down on the couch.

“Interesting how?” I asked.

“Your dad was an unexpected person. One day, he would be caring and sweet to me. He’d give me massages and cook my favorite meal. But then the next, he would be cold and ruthless. Pushing me into walls or yelling at me. So I always lived on edge around him.” She said.

“Did you ever think about leaving? You didn’t have to deal with that.” I replied. 

“It’s easier said than done. But I did think about leaving all the time. However, that’s when I found out I was pregnant. Even if I wanted to leave, I was now tied to this man one way or another.” 

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