18: Cipher

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Vincent Florence

When I returned to Auburn after my break, I was able to catch up with all my friends. I spoke to Archie and Dorian, who could not stop holding hands. Apparently, Dorian spent the break with Archie (for unknown reasons) and the two got to know each other more. Tavia went to Barbados with a family friend. Percy attended a few Christmas parties, hosted by several politicians. And Connor was in Greece.

Overall, I would say that we had a good break. No one died or anything of that sort. I also got to meet my old friends and catch up with them.

I quickly settled back into the Student Council tower and unpacked my clothes and returned to my duties. Back to reading people's concerns and addressing them. Though, the job is entertaining at points. And I don't have to attend many classes.

My phone began ringing as I made my way back to the tower.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, Vincent. It's me Milton." Milton quickly spoke into the phone.

"Milton? How did you get my-"

"I don't have much time! Listen, when you walk into your room, don't freak out and remain calm! He won't hurt you and if you attack, he's authorized to attack back!" Milton quickly said.

"What are you talking abou-" Milton hung up the phone. I hopped into the elevator and went to my floor.

My heart rate began to pick up as I began to anticipate Milton's warning. He didn't give much information. Just told me to remain calm and don't attack. That's easy for someone to say when they literally don't have some mysterious figure in their room, awaiting their arrival.

I noticed that my front door was open, the light was green, meaning that someone used a key card to get in. Carefully, I entered my room. There was nothing in here.

My bathroom door opened and a figure stepped out. The figure had a black robe that extended down to the floor, leaving the rest of his body covered. The robe also had a black hood that covered most of his head. The only thing visible besides black was a red mask on his face that showed nothing behind them, not even their eyes.

I stopped breathing and stepped back as the figure walked towards me. Behind the eyes of the mask was nothing but a pitch black void.

"Vincent Florence." The voice spoke in a deep growl. There must be a voice distortion machine in that mask since the voice was lower pitched.

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