3: Oedipus

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Connor Devonshire

The President herself stood near our table. It’s clear that she’s here to greet our school’s newest student. But based on her look, I’m wondering if her welcome will be sincere. 

She stood near our table. Despite being around 5’7, her entire demeanor scares everyone. Her jet black was straightened down and perfectly combed. Oh her head was a small headband that was encrusted with ivory pearls that outshined every other jewels. And her green serpent eyes pierced through anyone's soul.

“Vincent Florence.” The President spoke, her tone jolting all of us. “I see you’re getting well adjusted to our school.” She said.

Vinny didn’t say anything. I placed my hand on his thigh under the table to calm him down. It seemed to work a bit, and it did calm him down a bit. But in the end, he was still nervous.

“I guess I should introduce myself. I am your student council president, Sarah Barrington. Behind me are other members of the council.”

She singled behind her, where the other two guys were at. 

“Student council vice-president, Preston Cambell Worthington.” She signaled to a guy who was taller than her. He had pale skin and curly black hair and the most wicked blue eyes that blended more closely to gray. “And student council secretary, Benedict Sullivan Kensington.” Sarah signaled to the other guy behind her. This guy had a bit of a tan on his skin. He had brown eyes and straight black hair passed his ears and draped down. 

It was silent after she introduced herself and her friends. I don’t have much experience with Sarah because we never interact. I only had a small conversation with Preston, which was years ago that I doubt he even remembers. Benedict is another story. We were cordial at one point but he began to get involved with the whole student council business, it was as if I never existed to him. 

“I hope that you enjoy your time here at Auburn Brights Academy. But I just want us to be clear about one thing.” Sarah lunged forward across that table. Her hands gripped onto Vinny’s collar and pulled him forward until the two were face to face.

Vinny was shocked as his eyes widened. He was staring into the eyes of the devil herself. Sarah’s serpent-like eyes stared into Vinny’s soul and was searching for his weakness.

“You’re nothing here. Just a waste of space. You should be grateful that our money is funding your scholarship. So sit here. Eat your food from the card we pay for. And walk to class through the halls we pay to upkeep. And enjoy the amenities that we fund. But no matter what: You’ll always be nothing but a food-stamp using–hand me down wearing–future drug dealer scum.” Sarah said. 

I shivered upon hearing her words. Her family comes from a line of lawyers. So Sarah has a sharp tongue and uses it when it’s to her advantage, either to win an argument or to put others down. 

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