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Vincent Florence

I’m not scared of the dark. As a child, I never feared the abyss. When I stared at pitch black, I felt nothing. However, when the pitch black stared back, is when true terror came. Terror of the unknown. Terror of ungodly machinations that reside in the dark. That’s the real fear. Not being in the dark… but what lies in it.

It’s been an occurring nightmare I had in the tower since I’ve moved in. Everywhere I go, there’s a feeling that I’m being the subject of prying glasses. 

But I don’t believe I’m going crazy. Nor do I believe that I’m actually being watched. It could just be that this tower contains the kids of so many powerful families, and their looming presence overpowers my authority. Of course there’ll be cameras and security. Though, is it security guards that are watching us, or some more malevolent authorities.

My sleep within the past few days have been erratic. I’m able to sleep for a few hours until I end up waking in the middle of the night. And after a quick confirmation that it’s nothing, to my sleep I return.

Though, I still miss Connor and the Worry Hole. Nothing can beat me and Connor speaking through the wall. If only we had dated earlier when we still lived close to one another. Then our conversations would be much deeper and personal.

I can only wish for the moments when the two of us meet during meals and walks along the courtyard. 

Clipboard in hand, I walked into the halls of the academy. I had a list of classrooms I wanted to visit. Most of them are the senior class, and others are juniors and some mix of all lower grades. As I reached my first class, I took a deep breath. It’s time I start my duty as the student relations member.

Knock knock knock.

The large wooden door opened and a woman opened the door. 

“Oh, you're the student council?” She asked. I nodded. “Come in.” She opened the door further and allowed me to enter.

As I entered, I saw the lecture hall, which was full of students. Many were chattering with their friends but they stopped when I stood in the center of the bottom platform. I cleared my throat.

“Good morning!” I said. I made sure my voice wasn’t too happy. “I’m Vincent Florence, your student council student relations member.”

I looked down at my notes. Since most people don’t know me, or only know me because I’m the scholarship kid, I figured I should introduce myself. 

“I’m a senior, just like all of you. Uh, this position is legit, I can promise you that. I am not a puppet from the council. My job is to hear the voices and concerns of the student body. Anything from complaints, to suggestions, or any in between, I am the one to go to.” I checked down my notes. “My question for you all today is regarding how the council currently operates and if you are satisfied. All of this will be confidential, so I won’t be writing names down. So… are there any comments or concerns?” I asked the crowd.

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