31: Testimony

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Connor Devonshire

Right before the next trial, my mother walked into my hotel room and sat on a nearby chair. She looked at me as I styled my hair in the mirror. 

“Connor, I need to discuss something with you.” She said. 

“I’m busy.” I replied. She’s ignored me for most of my life, only doing the bare minimum. She doesn’t get to just waltz into my life and play the role of mom. 

“Please, Connor. It’s something your father and I have been discussing.” She said. I kept fixing my hair. “It’s about the Florence kid.” 

I stopped fixing my hair and turned to face her. “What about Vincent?” I asked.

“Your father and I were talking. We were thinking that it might be best if you no longer kept in contact with him–”

“Please stop talking!” I angrily said to her. “Since when did you two get to dictate what I do with my life?”

“Listen to me, Connor. We just want what’s best for you.”

“Best for me? When have you ever wanted the best for me? All you ever did was drink and ignore us. It was Isaac, Clause, Sterling, even fucking Horace who raised me! You couldn’t even take the 30 minute drive to school so you sent me to Auburn!” I yelled at her. 

“Just let me do one good thing for you.” Mother muttered.

“You did do one good thing. You sent me to Auburn, where I met my friends and Vincent.” I went to grab my jacket but stopped before I left my room. “Don’t ever fucking ask me to abandon the people I love. I won’t be like you and father.”

I exited my room and walked out. There was a knock on the front door. I opened it and saw my second youngest brother, Sterling, on the other side. 

“Sterling!” I said, letting him in. 

“How’s my baby brother!?” He asked and hugged me, picking me up off the floor. “Wow! Becoming a criminal sure made you look more like an adult. Did you lose weight?” He pinched my cheeks.

“Stop it!” I chuckled. “What are you doing here? Your graduation is soon.” I told him.

“I talked about it with the dean. They’re fine with sending me my diploma through the mail. I wanted to come and support my baby brother while he’s on trial for espionage.” 

“You seem to be liking this attention…” I remarked.

“It was nice. People at Stanford kept coming up to me and asked questions about you. Is it true that you wore a costume with over 20 cameras?” He asked. Sterling made his way to the lounge room and took a seat. 

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