24: Crazy

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a/n: for anyone wondering, this story takes place during late 2027 (from chapter 1- chapter 17) and early 2028 (chapter 18 and ongoing). hope this clears up any confusion <3


Connor Devonshire

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Connor Devonshire

Once I reached my dorm, my phone began ringing. As I checked, I saw that my oldest brother of five, Isaac, was calling me on the phone. Isaac is an interesting story. He’s the oldest, which means that he gets first dibs on the company. But despite it all, my father still sees him as a failure. This most likely stems from Isaac not wanting to partake in a sleazy deal a few years back. 

At least Isaac is the better one off. The rest of my brothers have their own problems. However, out of all of them, my father has placed all his expectations on me. He wants me to take over the company, while Isaac will be demoted to a lower position.

“Isaac!” I eagerly said.

“How’s my baby brother?” Isaac asked.

“I’m not a baby, Isaac.”

“That’s what you believe. But the others would beg to differ.” He snarkily replied.

“Yeah yeah, why are you calling me? Do you need something?” I asked.

“Nu-uh.” He said. “Okay, just a small favor.” 

“Sure.” I replied. 

“Can you help me preorder the new Birkin bag that’s coming out soon?” He asked.

“Why don’t you do it? I’m busy.” I said.

“I have a meeting with an engineer from LA for some new designs. I’ll be busy and I need this really badly!” He begged.

“Fine.” I sighed. “Send me the link and I’ll see what I can do.” I relented and gave in. 

“Thank you thank you! I’ll repay you one day!”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Is that all?” 

“Yeah. I’m doing pretty good. Claus is almost 8 months sober! So that’s good! Horace and his wife are doing well in Barbados. And Sterling is studying for his finals at Stanford.” He explained.

“That’s good. I’ll call them later.” I received a text from Vinny, letting me know that he was on his way to my dorm. “I have to go.”

“To whom, you’re boyfriend?” He teasingly asked.

“Wha– I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I stuttered. 

“Come on, Connot. I heard you virtually jacking off with him on the phone while we were in Greece. I know that you’re dating a guy.” Isaac said. “Listen, I’m fine with it. I’m not sure about dad, though.”

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