My best friend,definitely just a friend (karlity) 💠🔱🃏 4

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He opened the door and took them upstairs.
As soon as he closed the door to Karl's room,they went to the bed and started taking off their clothes.
Quackity:"um...I'll in the bathroom.."
He awkwardly walked into the bathroom with Karl's laptop.
He sat down in the bathtub and opened Karl's laptop to watch Netflix.
He was pretty tired,so he thought he was gonna fall asleep soon.
"Ah!~ f-fuck~ harder!~"
Quackity groaned as so closed his eyes.
It went on for most of the night until he eventually fell asleep.

Time skip (morning)

Quackity woke up in the bathtub.
He was watching trolls for some reason?
He closed the laptop and stood up.
He quickly realized sleeping in a bathtub wasn't very good for your back.
He opened the door to the room.
Karl was getting dressed.
Quackity:"Yea,hey Karl..."
The bed was messy,and corpse was still sleeping in it.
Karl:"where were you?"
He whispered.

Quackity:"I slept in the bathtub,you know,
Cos you had rough sex the whole night?-"
Karl:"I know,I don't have to remind me..."
Quackity smiled.
Quackity:"do you regret it?.."
Karl looked at him.
Karl:"I dunno...I kinda needed that.."
There were a few moments of silence.
Karl sighed and ran his hands through his hair before he shook corpse.
He mumbled in his sleep.

Karl:"get up,get up NOW"
Corpse rolled his eyes and got up.
He rubbed his eyes and looked around.
Corpse:"oh hey Quackity,hope Karl wasn't to loud yesterday."
Karl looked at him annoyed.
Karl:"get out."
Corpse threw his hands up in defeat and stood up.
Corpse:"I was just trying to be nice,I'm guessing Karl hasn't apologized"

Quackity crossed his arms.
Quackity:"nope,he's so rude"
Corpse got his pants and sweater as he walked out the door.
Corpse:"buh bye!"
Karl closed the door.
Quackity looked at him.
Quackity:"you sure you don't mind me being openly sexually active at home?"
Karl:"I don't care about your sex life,Quackity"
Karl sighed.

Quackity:"do you promise? Because yesterday kinda..sucked..."
Karl:"I promise,that I don't care about your sex life..."
Karl said as he looked at him,although Quackity was still a bit worried.
Quackity looked at Karl.
Quackity:"that's the first gay encounter I've ever seen you in! I know you're not interested in girls but I actually heard you get fucked by a guy!"
Karl didn't even have the energy to look at Quackity anymore.

He passed him and went into the bathroom.
Karl:"did you need conformation?"
Quackity laughed.
Quackity:"what? Ofcourse not,your gay.."
Karl laughed.
Karl:"if you mean that in a bad way,your homop-"
Quackity:"Karl,whatever your about to say right now,I would just like you too know that I would literally suck your dick if you'd ever ask me too"
Karl laugh.

Karl:"yea..good point"
Quackity smiled and got on the bed.
A few seconds later,the door opened.
Quackity sat up.
Quackity:"good morning misses Jacobs"
Mom:"hey dear,just bringing you kids some breakfast"
She said as she put a breakfast tray on the bed.
Quackity smiled.
Quackity:"thanks misses Jacobs"
Mom:"course,hey Karl!"

Mom:"I just saw corpse leave out the front door with no shirt's that all about"
Quackity scratched the back of his head as he tried not to laugh.
Karl turned off the shower.
Karl:"oh,um...corpse got too warm at night know how he is..weird.."
Mom:"right,well,he told me you guys had fun last night,where were you?"
Karl:"we just catched up a bit at the bay,he's stupid you shouldn't talk to him"
Mom:"Karl,that's not nice."

Karl sighed.
Karl:"sorry mom.."
Mom:"yea,well,I'll be on my way! Bye!"
Quackity:"bye Misses Jacobs!"
Karl:"bye mom.."
His mom smiled and left.
Karl left the bathroom with a towel over his head.
Quackity looked up at him.
Quackity:"yea that corpse guy seems like a lot"
Karl rolled his eyes.
Karl:"you don't even know....he's so..AAAAA"
Quackity looked at Karl confused.

Quackity:"right,but I bet his dick is like,thiss big"
He said as he made his arms wide.
Karl:"yea...kinda is"
Quackity regretted making that comment,but he laughed it off.
Quackity:"yea,thought so"
Karl sat down next to him.
Karl:"he's a nice guy before you get to know him,then he's just a douche..."
Quackity looked at Karl.
Quackity:"you deserve better than that..."
Like me.
Karl smiled.
Quackity nodded.

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