The concierge (karlity) ♻️

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Karl x Quackity
Song: pee pee. Poo poo

Karl was at a fancy work event with his coworkers.
It was a Saturday night and everyone was laughing,they were in a fancy red-velvet-seat restaurant inside of a hotel.
It was VERY fancy,low hanging lights,
everything made out of glass for some reason,
Expensive tables probably made out of obsidian blocks,food the size of a pea but the price of a car.

Karl wanted to have fun but this setting just seemed....unnatural for anyone to be in?
He felt like a little kid tightly clinging onto their parent because their scared their gonna break something.
He was there because of a work trip,him and a bunch of coworkers.
He worked as an intern at a manufacturing company,so naturally,all of his coworkers were atleast 15 years older than him.
Karl was 22,graduated college almost a year ago and got this Intership.

They quickly grew fond of Karl since he had that 'golden retriever,polite,obedient,sonny boy' energy.
Like a son who'd ask YOU to play catch,or a nephew who isn't on his phone all of the time.
Ofcourse it was all an Act,Karl was able to easily pull off the 'son you wished you had' act but in reality he was just really well with old people.
While they saw him as the type of son all of your friends would love,Karl in reality was just a very gay,regular citizen trying his best to not loose this privileged and very well paying job.

Ofcourse those geezers would never find out about his sexuality because he wasn't really being himself around them,but if he were...
He'd probably be fired by now for 'not being a good fit'...
Anyhow,karl had a fake smiled plastered on his face while his 48 year old coworkers yapped about gender pronouns or 'woke' propaganda in children's Tv shows,not knowing that they are actively admitting they watch those.

It physically hurt to smile and laugh every few seconds about some joke you don't even understand while your boss 'Gerry' has his arm around you like your his 8 year old son.
Karl knew that this is the life he had to life to make a good income,become a shell of a man,
A soulless cave of someone who never even had a personality in the first place.
To have nothing behind your stupidly rich eyeballs,not a single thought other than 'young genaration=bad,my genaration=good'.

Right now,Karl just needed his bag,it's not like he was ever actually gonna 'go out for a couple a' brewskis!' With one of those geezers.
Karl was stuck in this situation,he needed the money and physically just could not move because of the hand around his shoulder.
He stood there in his white button up shirt,
Laughing along with everyone else.
?:"and then the blue haired liberal said-!"
They Burst out laughing again,it hurt.
Karl felt his mouth dry out from being open for so long.

He took a secwhile they were all catching their breath to re-wet his mouth.
Karl sighed and wiped the sweat off of his forehead.
It was so hot,it's like being overstimulated but only on the Inside,like your frozen but your bones on the inside are shaking.
?:"hank,you are a HOOT!-"
"Enjoying yourselves,fellas?"
Karl opened his eyes after disassociating for a little bit,a new voice joined the conversation?
He saw a guy in a red concierge uniform stand next to his coworker 'Bob' infront of him.

He looked young compared to Bob,just like Karl.
Karl felt a sense of joy enter his mind,he was handsome too.
Shiny black hair,that red hat he was probably forced to wear,his uniform fit him like a glove,
Not everyone can pull of an outfit that looks like a red velvet cupcake.
Gorgeous face,mesmerizing even..
Karl smiled,the dude smiled back.
?:"yes we are enjoying ourselves! Oh- hank! Hank! Tell him the joke!"
The old man said like a fan girl.

They laughed as hank cleared his throat to repeat his terrible joke.
Hank:"alright,two liberals walk into a bar,right?"
Quackity:"uh huh"
He said curioufosly,but with the sarcasm only a person his age could understand.
Karl could tell he was leading him on,he was excited to have his first genuine laugh of the night.

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