College gym (karlity) ♻️

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Karl x Quackity
Idk what's up with me and college sex
Smt if off w my writing but IDK WHATTTT

Karl was in his college class,his head resting on his arms as he listened to his college professor talk and talk about physics or literature,
Something in that direction...
He was tired,college wasn't like he imagined it would be,it was boring,and he didn't have a 10 person friend group that grabbed coffee and studied together all the time.
The worst part of It all was that he wasn't getting obliterated by any college guys in his dorm.

I mean....they didn't have a single room for nothing???
But Karl somehow went from being a social butterfly to being to scared to talk to anyone because they might've had a god complex.
It's been months and he hasn't had a hook up ONCE.
He thought there would be one on the first day when he made eye contact with some guy on the floor beneath his,but no.
He was still a virgin,wich was embarrassing.
Meanwhile,George,his friend,was getting pounded left and right.

Karl looked at him before he leaned to his side.
George:"what do you want"
Karl:"you think I have a chance with Quackity?"
George took a look at Quackity,one row infront of them,texting someone on his laptop while taking notes on the side.
George shrugged uninterested before he continued to write on his papers.
Karl sat up,getting out of the nest he made from his arms.
He sighed and leaned back.

Karl:"how do I ask him to hook up?"
George scoffed.
George:" COULD just tap his shoulder and ask 'hey,I think your cute,wanna hook up?'"
Karl thought about it,not even realizing that George was being sarcastic.
Karl:"mhh....I dunno..."
George looked at him confused before he sighed and shook his head.
George:"Karl,I don't have time for this-"

Karl:"what do you mean you don't have time for this,your not even doing anything?!"
George looked down at his paper,he was just drawing squiggly squares.
He rolled his eyes and turned to Karl.
George:"just ask for his notes after class? Or tutoring..always works for me.."
Karl rubbed his hand over his face as he laid his head back down.

He admired the back of Quackitys hair,he could kinda smell him? He smelled like....
Pomegranate? But in a masculine way?
Whatever it was,Karl was attracted to it.
He looked at his laptop,realizing he could see what Quackity was doing.
He was texting someone.
Karl squinted as he slowly started to lean over his table to get a better look.



What is it

R u joining me in the gym later?
4th period

I invited some twink from ur class to my room later

Wich one?? So many twinks Here...

Karl couldn't tell if that was a good thing or not.

Black hair
Name starts with a g? Greg? Geoff? George?

Karl suspiciously looked at George.
Huh.....maybe it was a different George...
But Karl didn't know any 'Geoff's' or 'Greg's'.

Anyways,fuck you whos supposed to spot me??

Idc,cry about it?

Not today

Quackity typing:
Even though there is...
Karl felt like something bad was afoot,so he quickly leaned back to his seat.
Right after that,Quackity looked back at him.
Karl acted like he wasn't staring and just gave Quackity a slightly confused smile.
Quackity softly smiled back,a bit embarrassed before he turned back to the front.
Karl sighed,Quackity brought the laptop closer to himself so he couldn't see what he was gonna say anymore..

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