Roadside 'assistance' (karlity) ♻️

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Karl x Quackity
Smut♻️ finally rough smut omg (smut starts in the third chapter bc i had to separate them)
Karl gets railed in a car workshop by his ex Quackity against a wall after not seeing each other for a year
Idk what to do

Karl was driving his car,singing while on his way to visit his family.
Karl loudly sung in his car excited that he was finally alone.
Alone on a road,alone in his car,everything was fine.
He definitely needed this alone time before visiting his family this weekend,so he made the most of it.

This day was going pretty well,no complications,everything chill.
Karl felt the car lightly jerk upwards making him bounce.
His mood was ruined,even if this wasn't what he thought it was,he was already pissed off.
Karl:"you gotta be kidding me.."
Karl turned the music down before hitting the dashboard.
The car kept on jumping and making dumb car sounds.
Karl loudly groaned and sat back in his seat,
Letting this ruin his day.

The car made its 'gaS is ruNninG ouT🤓' before it just decided to stop on the road.
Karl:"dumb fucking piece of shit car.."
He mumbled before getting out of his car and walking away from It,a little scared that it was gonna blow up.
Karl was fed up,but he knew getting mad would just drain him more.
He got out his phone and googled 'road side assistance kansas' before clicking the first link that popped up.
He called the connected number annoyed,
Staring at his dumb car.

Someone picked up.
"Hello,roadside assistance how may I help you?"
Karl:"helppp,my car is brokennn"
Karl whined,he sounded....uh...
Really gay.
The person on the phone scoffed,wich was a little embarrassing.
"alright,where are you right now,sir?"
Karl looked around,it was just....a road? There were a few bushes and he was in a field but other than that he had no idea.

Karl:" a field?"
"You'll have to be a bit more specific.."
Karl:"I don't kwnow?! Like,half a mile away from the 'you are in Kansas' sign?"
The guy on phone sighed.
"'ll take about 20 minutes till I get there alright? Just stay put"
Karl:"well I can't really go anywhere.."
The guy on the phone didn't answer.
Karl:"...okay I'm sorry,thanks for your assistance"
"See you soon."
He hung up.

Karl sighed and looked around,not sure what he was supposed to do out here In some random field for 30 minutes.
He sat down on the ground,the guys voice from the phone was kinda hot..
Karl shook his head,it was dangerous enough for him to be alone with his thoughts so he decided to watch Rick and morty on his phone to pass the time.
Around 35 minutes passed and a car finally showed up.
Karl looked up from his phone,the blue car with TRIPLE A on the side pulled up infront of him.

He got up and put the phone in his pocket.
The assistance got out.
He looked familiar...wait..?
The guy got out from behind the car,they both froze.
Karl laughed as he came closer.
Quackity:"I knew your voice sounded familiar on the phone! The hell,what are you doing back in Kansas?"
Quackity wanted to hug him,but that probably wasn't the right move.

They had left off things on a bad note the last time they saw each other.
Karl and Quackity used to date about a year ago,when Karl told him he was leaving to move to North Carolina for a job Quackity was upset.
The whole thing somehow turned into an argument,Karl may have said some backhanded things,accusations were thrown around and they didn't talk after Karl left.
Regardless of it all,they knew they were happy to see each other.
Quackity put his hands on his waist and looked at Karl's car.
He shook his head.

Quackity:"I'll go take a look,yeah?"
Karl nodded and smiled,he watched as Quackity walked over to his stupid piece of shit car.
This was....interesting.
Quackity looked great,he always did,him in that tank top and blue uniform,all professional..
Fuck,I hope he's not doing better than me..
I hope he doesn't have girlfriend,or boyfriend..
Or dog..or anyone who's there for him?

Ofcourse Karl didn't mean all of that,I mean every few days he'd stalk Quackitys Instagram,
He only posted photo dumps,usually without pictures of himself,just pictures of neighborhood cats or food or just normal stuff.
The past year with Karl moving to a different state,getting a good job and his first situationship,he couldn't lie,he was still a little hung up.
He regretted the things he said to Quackity,he was just scared of leaving,after he left he wanted to apologize but he didn't.

A few days later he ended up maxing out his voice mail with drunk calls,apologizing,
singing,crying,explaining the plot of the Peter Pan movie,re-enacting a scene from Hamilton,just doing so many things only to get no response whatsoever.
It upset him,so he stopped reaching out.
And now here they were! I guess...
Karl didn't even notice that Quackity was hooking up his car to the assistance car.
He looked at him confused,Quackity went over to him.
Quackity:"your gas is fucked."

Quackity:"your gas,is FUCKED!"
He said louder like Karl couldn't hear him.
Karl:"Quackity I don't know what that means?!"
Quackity:"ugh,your gas tank is defective,
meaning NOT GOOD,I'll have to take it back to the shop to fix it,cmon I'll give you a ride"
Karl nodded,still confused as he followed Quackity to his truck.
They got in together and Quackity started to drive,dragging Karl's car with him.
Karl saw it being taken in the rear view mirror.
He groaned.

Karl:"stupid piece of shit car..fuck.."
He ran his hands through his hair annoyed.
Quackity looked at him.
Quackity:"dude,I've been telling you since forever,appreciate your car! Dude it's a fucking Cadillac,just sell it at this point?!"
Karl:"but that's so much workkk"
Karl whined as he rolled his head back.
Quackity:"oh my god,you are so whiny,you know you can get like...15 grand for that 'fUcKing piEcE of CraP' ?!"
Karl rolled his eyes.

Karl:"donnnttttt careeee"
Quackity scoffed.
Quackity:"your loss.."
Karl looked at Quackity,his head leaning against the window.
He smirked teasingly,knowing Quackity would act like this Everytime Karl ignored whatever Quackity had suggested,even though he knew he was right.
Quackity looked back at him and smiled.
Quackity:"'s North Carolina treatin you?"

Karl:"good,it's good....I live in a house now.."
Karl nodded proudly.
Quackity:"broke college student Karl Jacobs bought his own house? At 22?!"
Karl:"yup...well..Jimmy pays pretty well,and I'm starting to pop up in videos more and more so yeah.."
Karl looked down as he fidgeted with his fingers.
The car was silent for a few moments.
Quackity:" know I was actually there when you Were In your first video"

Karl looked at him,a smile instantly beaming on his face.
Quackity laughed,his cheeks getting slightly redder.
Quackity:" was that..what was it? Video where you guys hiked up in a mountain or something?"
Karl:"spending 24 hours on a mountain,yeah! Wow,can't believe you saw that..."
Karl laughed.
Quackity knew the Titel,but he acted like he hasn't already watched it over 20 times.

Karl couldn't get that smile of off his face even if he tried.
Quackity:"your family was watching it on the TV at hooters because the power was out"
Karl:"my mom told me about that!"
They laughed together.
This was so fun,so pleasant,no complications whatsoever.
They slowly calmed down until the car was filled with silence again.
Karl stopped smiling.
He just couldn't move past it,he just wanted to apologize.
He looked over at Quackity.

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