Wrestling practice in your dorm room (karlity) ♻️

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Karl x Quackity
Dream does not exist in the p0tiZNO universe at this point Idc if the allegations that come out like every other week are true or not he's just problematic and it's not like he's in these oneshots anyway

Quackity:"Karl,I think I'm way to sore to wrestle tomorrow...."
Quackity said,sitting at his desk while he stared at his red hands.
Him and his friend/roommate Karl were in his dorm room.
It was dim,the sun was down and they were up late talking about Quackitys wrestling tournament tomorrow.
Karl was behind Quackity on his bed,typing on his Mac book.

He was doing Quackitys homework,he's been helping Quackity train all day,spotting him at the gym and what not,they had a really fun day and now a very relaxing evening.
Quackity leaned back in his office chair and rolled his eyes.
Karl:"you'll be fine..."
Quackity sighed and closed his eyes in an attempt to relax.
Karl:"are you gonna have to wear one of those tight bikinis?"

Quackity opened his eyes,staring at the celling with a disturbed face before slowly turning his chair to Karl.
Karl looked up from his laptop,still typing.
He laughed.
Quackity rolled his rest and brought his legs up to sit criss cross on the chair.
Quackity:"first of all,it's not a bikini,second of all,no."
Karl shifted his attention back to the essay he was writing for Quackity.

Karl:"your so lying.."
Quackity:"yeah you wish"
Karl scoffed.
Quackity:"but why are you asking? You'll be there anyway,right?"
Karl:"course I will!"
Karl smiled,but not looking up.
Quackity:"you gonna cheer for me?"
Karl:"the loudest cheers"
Quackity:"you gonna jump for me?"
Karl:"the HIGHEST jumps,man"
Quackity:"you gonna make a sign that says 'TEAM QUACKITY' with a bunch of glitter on it?"

Karl chuckled.
Karl:"shit,if you want me to"
Quackity:"you gonna wear a skippy cheerleader outfit?"
Karl looked up at him confused.
Karl:"why? So you can get hard in the middle of the match? That would be embarrassing"
Quackity laughed.
Quackity:"and a fuckin sign Wouldn't be? Jesus..."
Karl smiled and looked back at the screen.
Quackity looked at him,as usual,desperate for his attention.

Quackity:"...that would definitely get me hard,
Karl:"yeah obviously,I'd look great in a cheer uniform"
Quackity scoffed and looked down.
There was silence,nothing but Karl's fast typing on the keyboard.
Quackity lookeud around before looking at Karl.
His shifted in his seat,trying to get more comfortable.

This was really nice,he'd never admit it while sober but he's been having a really nice time with Karl ever since they became friends a few weeks ago when college started.
Karl was really nice,he was really funny and always matched Quackitys energy.
Quackity loved being around him,he made him feel good.
Like I said,Quackity wouldn't admit this unless he were blackout drunk,knowing that they wouldn't remember anything anyway,but Karl really was a good friend.

The only downside of it all was that he was also really pretty,had gorgeous eyes,was really caring and affectionate,pretty nerdy and scrawny-also pretty awkward but still somehow more of an extrovert than Quackity? Apparently,that was exactly Quackitys type.
Quackity wasn't saying he had feelings for Karl or anything,it'll probably pass as soon as he realized how fun fucking tits and ass were.
The typing came to an end and Karl clapped,
Making Quackity flinch.
He said excited before giving Quackity his MacBook.

Quackity skimmed over the 10 page essay,not reading anything.
He smiled and put it on his desk.
Quackity:"your a real whizkid,Karl.."
Karl smiled and nodded proudly.
Karl:"glad I could help."
Quackity:"well,you definitely did..."
There was silence again.
Karl looked around the room.
Quackity:"what now? Is this the part where we finally go to sleep?"
Karl:"what? No? I'm sure there's something else we can do..."

They both looked around the room in silence.
Quackity:"well,it's not like we've really been doing anything this past hour,so.."
Karl gasped and looked at Quackity.
Quackity already started to smile as he heard the lightbulb appear above Karl's head,thinking Karl was about to make an awesome suggestion like 'lets fly to the Maldives!' Or 'lets do homosexual experiments on each other  on a totally platonic level!'.
Karl:"let's wrestle!"
Quackity smiled faded.

He said annoyed.
Karl:"cmon,you can practice on me! Plus,you can see if your too sore for tomorrow or not!"
Quackity exhaled like he was disappointed in Karl's idea,underwhelmed he didn't say 'let's smoke more weed'.
Karl rolled his eyes before going back to explaining his plan.
Karl:"me? You? Wrestling practice? Right now?"

Quackity:"but your...not that strong? How would that benefit me?"
Karl:"I literally work out with you 4 times a week"
Quackity:"yeah but you bench like...a two."
Karl looked at him confused by his exaggerated answer.
Karl pleaded,desperate to have something to do.
Quackity looked at karl for a few seconds,he couldn't say no.
Quackity exhaled before he got off of his chair.

Karl cheered as Quackity walked over to the bed.
He shoved all of the snacks and pens off of Quackitys sheets before he sat down on the bed.
Quackity and Karl both got on their knees infront of each other with their arms slightly up,ready to 'wrestle'.
Karl said with an excited expression on his face.
Quackity sighed,acting like this wasn't gonna be really fun.

Quackity nodded before he tackled Karl by the waist.
He held him down on his back while Karl started to kick his legs.
Karl tried to push him off,and he tried to do that by putting his hand on Quackitys face and shoving it away.
Quackity:"wha- take your-KARL."
Quackity tried to speak with Karl's palm on his face.
Karl just laughed like this was the funniest thing ever.

Quackity eventually managed to grab Karl's arms and pin them to his side.
Quackity looked down at Karl,breathing slightly heavy.
Quackity:"you have weak wrists.."
Karl:"deftones reference?"
Karl said with a stupid smile attached on his face.
Quackity:"shut up nerd?"
Quackity said annoyed.
He was about to let go of Karl and get off,since he basically won.

But in that short second of weakness,Karl grabbed Quackitys arms and pushed them back.
He flipped them over,so now he was ontop of Quackity,pinning him down.
Quackity looked up at him shocked,it all happened so fast.
Quackity:"the fuck? I thought that was it?!"
Karl:"why would that be it? This is fun!"
Quackity looked at him confused.
Karl seemed,passionate? Like he was having one of his random adrenaline bursts.
Karl:"your not as strong as you think,you know?"

Quackity didn't reply,he just looked up at him.
Karl:"that really wasn't that hard,only benching two my ass!"
Quackity:"it's really not that impressive,you caught me off guard"
Karl:"well,get out of it then?"
Quackity looked at him with no expression on his face.
He wasn't even moving.
Just as Karl was about to say something witty like 'see?',Quackity shoved him off.
Karl was now back on his back,but he resisted.
He got up and tried to stop Quackity from grabbing his wrists but he was too slow.

He grabbed Karl's arms with a very firm grip before turning Karl around.
He pushed Karl on the mattress,now turned on his stomach.
Even though Karl couldn't fully turn in his head around to look at Quackity,he still tried to get out of his grip.
It was getting a bit more intense,at this point they just both wanted to win and prove their 'masculinity' or whatever.
Karl groaned as Quackity got ontop of him,
sitting on his lower back.

He finally got a hold of Karl's squirming arms and held them together like they were handcuffed.
Karl winced at the lightly pain of his wrists being twisted a little too much,but that was soon overshadowed by an even louder moan coming out of his mouth as Quackity pushed his head into the mattress.
Quackity breathed heavily,finally having overpowered Karl.
He won,he was the winner,the leader,the king,the alpha male...

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