"Im gay" = 'let me suck your dick' (karlity) 💠♻️🔱

440 10 16

Karl x Quackity
Like 60% fluff💠 20% lime🔱 20% smut♻️ idek anymore
Smut slumppppp I'm sorry guys but it's like I'm unable to write good smut at the moment also my stomach hurts also
WICH ONE OF U IS CALLING ME 'no prep karlity smut writer' BEHIND MY BACK😭

Karl and Quackity we're on their way to their hotel room,they were at twitch con and booked a room together.
They were excited to spend some time together.
They really enjoyed each others company.
Quackity would only say this If he was drunk,
And Karl would mute him because someone giving back love made him paranoid,but still.
Karl was a great listener,Quackity loved talking to him.

The first few times he's really opened up to him,he felt bad because it felt like trauma dumping.
But karl would always reassure him that it's Okay to talk about your feelings,and he was more than fine with it.
After enough combing Quackity finally gave in,and that's how this 'there is almost no TMI' relationship really bloomed.
Quackity would talk to Karl for hours,
sometimes he'd just call him in the middle of the night just to tell him random thoughts that had popped into his head.

Like the fact that crows can talk,or 'why do I never feel 100% sure that someone loves me?'.
Karl was always happy to help,it was nice to comfort people,it made it seem like he didn't have any problems of his own.
He loved listening to Quackity talk,trust him with his problems so much that he would talk about them for hours,knowing Karl would try his best to help out.
He just loved how open Quackity was with him compared to how it used to be for a little while,
It felt like an achievement.

And the talks in person were just so much better,so personal,so raw,so....comforting?
Quackity and Karl would sit on the floor,
Quackity talking,Karl listening.
Quackity would look at Karl every once in a while to make sure he didn't have a 'oh my god shut the fuck up no one cares' expression on his face,but all he saw was bliss.
Karl's eyes that gave you the type of attention that you felt Pierce through your heart,like their watching your every move,the slight nods every few seconds,his weird therapist-like clothes?

He was beautiful,when Quackity started to talk he just couldn't stop.
Karl looked so invested? So inviting! With that stupid therapist pose where he'd hold his hand together infront of himself.
He was beautiful,Quackity knew he was attached and whenever 'this' was over,he wasn't gonna be ready to let go.
Karl's only been here for a day and Quackity just wouldn't stop talking,Karl was just such a good listener!??
In fact,he was talking right now.

Quackity:"-and that's why I feel like it was really unfair,like...what word do we live in,Karl?"
Karl:"I am very sorry to hear that the guy with the ugly car cut you off in traffic ,that must've felt infuriating"
Quackity:"it was!"
Quackity loudly groaned as they got to their door.
Quackity:"sorry,I know you say it's fine that I talk so much but I really can't shut the fuck up sometimes..."
Karl scoffed as he unlocked the door.
They went inside.

Karl:"don't worry about it,I like it when you talk..."
He said as he wandered around the room.
There was a small kitchen with an island attached to the wall,two beds,just regular hotel room interior.
Two bed...Quackity looked at them.
For some reason,he was expecting there to be only one bed,and they'd have this stupid 'uhh,
I'll sleep on the floor!' Debacle,only to eventually agree to sleep in one bed together.
But oops...someone forgot their pajamas!
That last part was made up,but still..

Karl seemed to be fine with the room,and Quackity would rather jump off a building than admit that he wants to sleep with Karl,TO Karl,so everything was fine I guess.
Quackity:"ya know,I know you say that but who likes listening to people that much? I get listening but...not when talking is all they do"
Karl shrugged and put his stuff down before going behind the kitchen island.
Quackity followed him,slightly annoyed that he hasn't answered.
He watched Karl open and close drawers,for no specific reason I guess?

Sometimes Karl would just get distracted easily.
Karl:"well,I think your just insecure,you don't think your important enough for attention and comfort,well you are,everyone is"
He said,still opening drawers and cabinets.
Quackity:"I know....it's just!- oh my god,look at you! Your making me talk about myself again you demon!"
Karl laughed and went over to him.
Karl:"it puts my mind at ease knowing your not bottling up your feelings,mental health is important."
Quackity looked at him.

Quackity:"...you know,I think our relationship is special,if you have this sort of connections with anyone else it'll break my heart."
Karl:"what connection? The type of connection where I sit there and listen to your problems?"
Quackity groaned at him,karl just laughed.
Quackity:"KARLL! it's comments like that that make me second guess you being fine with me venting!"
Karl looked at him,trying to stop laughing with a wide smile.
Karl:"I'm joshing,how does one joke compare to me telling you it's fine like 30 times a day? Let me have a little fun.."

Quackity rolled his eyes and leaned on the kitchen counter.
He looked at Karl,he was making himself a glass of water.
He seemed a bit nervous all of a sudden,
Quackity was interested,maybe Karl finally had something on his mind.
Quackity:"so..let's talk about you,karl"
Karl looked at him confused.
Karl:"me? What about me?"
Quackity:"you! Your childhood,how your doing currently,are you seeing anyone? Do you WANT to see anyone?"

Karl laughed nervously as he sipped his hotel water.
Karl:"I'm doing good..."
Quackity looked at him unserious.
Quackity:"that is not very convincing."
Karl rolled his eyes.
Karl:"I am! Just....thinking about the....time when I was a kid..and I had a birthday party and my uncle showed up in a clown costume and it...just traumatized me-"
Quackity:"what the- HEY THATS MY STORY?"
Karl rolled his eyes and groaned as he looked away.

Quackity:"really Karl? You always tell me how you feel! What's wrong with right now?!"
Karl:"dude,I am not very interesting why do you wanna know?"
Quackity:"Karl your being weird! It's...
Karl:"yeah well,your GAY! Okay?!"
Karl lashed out,Quackity looked at him for a few seconds,trying to process what was going on with a baffled expression.
Karl looked away.
Quackity:"what was that? Since when am I gay?"
Karl sighed.

Karl:"I- your not- as far as I know...I'm sorry i don't know why i said that.."
Quackity looked at him,very confused.
Quackity:"uhh,yeah why would you say that? I'm not offended! Just...confused?-"
Karl:"please just..forget it.."
Karl looked away,Quackity could tell he was embarrassed.
But he didn't know why? Why would Karl just randomly call him gay? It couldn't have been an insult,Karl would never use that as an insult? And that would never offend Quackity??

Quackity lookd him up and down,worried,
Trying not to think about the fact that he's probably missed a shit ton of signs that Karl wasn't doing well because all he was doing was talking about himself.
Quackity:"um...I'm not as good at this as you but...is something on your mind?"
Karl ran his hands through his hair as he turned to Quackity and crossed his arms.

Karl:"what do you even want me to say to that,
He said firmly,kinda like a teacher.
Quackity was getting nervous.
He made his eyes look at the toaster behind Karl to break eye contact.
Quackity:"I-I don't know?....are you mad? Sad? Upset?-"
Karl:"I'm gay."

Quackity looked at him with wide eyes.
Karl tried to look nonchalant,but Quackity could tell his heart was under immense pressure.
Quackity was going through....a wave of emotions.
He wasn't sure how to process this,I mean,
when he first met Karl he definitely suspected it but over time he got to know Karl more and statues to feel bad,so he stopped.
But I guess his....kinda insensitive and backhanded gut was right.

This is always what happens when the therapist friends wants to tell you something.
While Quackitys been filling Karl's head with shower thought that could've just been google or rants about people he didn't even know,
Karl was literally...gay??!
Karl nodded.
Quackity:"I..Karl I'm honestly honored that you would tell me this! I'm- oh my good- IM SO SORRY! for just talking and talking all day! This is so much more important than the shit I've been saying the past- 6 MONTHS OR SOMETHING?!"

Karl awkwardly scoffed as he looked down.
Quackity:"I...I gotta tell you man,im really sorry for not listening-"
Karl:"it's fine.."
Karl looked at him.
Quackity:"I'm so thankful to have you as a friend,your always there for me and-...I literally told you I shut down my friends birthday party because they stepped on my shoe in 9th grade and you didn't judge me at all! It would be insane of me to judge you for something that is completely normal...I'm sorry..and I'm proud of you..and I also love you"
Karl scoffed.

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