Day 3 no sex (karlity) 💠🔱

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Karl x Quackity
I wrote this yesterday while I was half asleep so it's kinda trash? It has a lot of spelling errors and is generally not great But I'm still gonna post it bc I can't rlly write anything else today bc I'm watching😎‼️

Quackity was in his bed,it was moon and he was bored so he decided to text his boyfriend Karl.

Karl ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️



Where is your enthusiasm
I thought you weren't mad

What? I'm not?

Are you sure
I'd kms

I'm not mad loser
I joke woke up
Are you sure you should be coming over?
I was gonna ask anyways because I obviously long for your company because it makes me very happy but still
What if we hook up again?

I'm gonna be honest.
That deal was stupid,Sorry.
I get that we've been distracted because we are so Inlove but a sex cleanse??? Really???
I don't know how long I can take it anymore

Its been like two days

Day 3 no nutting in or on you...
It's been hard,I think I'm starting to hallucinate
I saw Meryl Streep in the halls earlier today

Just think about the first time after exam season ends? The sex will be out of this world😏😏

Your get me bricked up babe

That was so cringe.
R u coming over or not? NO SEX !! 🔞🔞🔞

What will we do if we're not having sex?

What we always used to do before we got together?
Just watch movies,and you have to help me study

I hate you
I don't even remember the time before we got together,it was so dark and terrible and lonley
I'll be over there in 25

love you,drive safe❤️

I will drive off of a cliff
Not funny? Ok
Ok I love you too❤️❤️❤️ more than anything❤️❤️❤️

Just drive.

Quackity stared at his phone for a few seconds,
Not sure if he was supposed to respond to that.
He eventually decided not to after about five minutes before he got up and started to get ready.
He put on a sweater and some shorts along with some cologne before he grabbed his keys and headed over to Karl's apartment building.
The ride took about 10 minutes before Quackity parked In the underground parking lot before going upstairs to Karl's one bedroom apartment.

The key was always under the mat,so Quackity just let himself in.
The place looked like it always did,Karl lived in a nicer place since Quackity lived on campus and Karl's apartment building was newly built.
Quackity would love to move in,he was there most of the time and paying half of the rent would be much cheaper than that stupid dorm price in his college,but he was too scared to ask.
It was warm,it smelled like cookies since Karl lit that candle almost every single day,his cat was peacefully sleeping on the couch
Quackity smiled before he went to his room,the door was open.

Karl's room was dark,the blinds were closed and only the purple light from his Tv lit up the room.
It was always purple,red was cringe,even other color was stupid.
Why make the light red when it can be purple??
Anyways,it looked like it always did so Quackity took off his shoes and jumped onto the bed.
Quackity:"hi Karl!"

"Could you please tell me when you arrive? I thought I was getting robbed.."
Karl's voice was muffled through the bathroom door in his room.
Quackity rolled over on his bed,picking up the remote to search through Karl's Netflix movies.
Karl opened the door and got out making Quackity turn his head.
No shirt,and his hair was a little wet at the bottom.

Karl:"hey Lex,could you pass me that shirt?"
Quackity just stared at him with his mouth open like he was witnessing heaven on earth.
Karl looked at him,waiting for Quackity to pass him a shirt until he sighed and grabbed it himself.
Quackity:"what? Don't get dress?? I want sexxxxxx!?"
Quackity whined as Karl put it on and got in the bed.
Quackity wrapped his arms around him and buried his head in his chest.
Quackity:"pleasesss Sex....pleaseee-"

Karl:"no Sex! No Sex until exam season is over."
Karl said fake empathetically as he lightly stroked Quackitys open hair.
Quackity mumbled something inaudible after going quiet for a while.
Karl:"....Quackity I can feel you geindin v in my leg."
Quackity just whined even louder as he stopped.
Karl grabbed the hair on the front of Quackitys head and held him up like he was a trophy.

he looked so desperate,like he really really wanted him...
It was honestly kinda hot,Karl wasn't used to this attention.
Sure it's happened a few times but still...never failed to flatter Karl.
Karl:"wow,you really want to have sex with me,don't you..."
Karl scoffed.
Quackity:"I do...I really wish you'd give me the honor to have sex with you,karl..."
Karl looked at him for a few seconds,intruiged.
He wasn't doing anything? Just..thinking...
Quackity:"I'll let you top..~"

Quackity whispered in his ear as he came closer.
Karl wasn't considering it? I said..
Karl couldn't lie,he was very intrigued as to where this would lead them.
But no,no sex.
Not right now,not until exam season was over.
Karl knew he'd regret not taking this very questionable path that probably led to a very interesting events before he sighed and let go of Quackity.
Karl:"nope,no sex,Sorry"

Quackity groaned and got off of him annoyed.
Quackity:"I hate this,you know I'd drop out to have sex with you?"
Karl:"you wouldn't and it's only a few more weeks"
Quackity groaned as he childishly kicked his feet around,Karl just looked at him unserious.
Karl:"shut up and grab some flash cards,I need help with science.."
Quackity rolled his eyes and took the flash cards that were on a pile on Karl's nightstand.
Quackity laid down with his head on Karl's lower waist.

Quackity:"k...'if you could drive you car straight up into the sky approximately how long would it take to reach space?'......Karl this isn't gonna be on the test?-"
Karl:"I don't care,I'm warming up....a month?"
Quackity:"correct...I guess-"
Karl:"what do you mean you guess,is it right or not?!-"
Quackity:"it's right,calm down..."
Karl:"okay,the science behind this is-"
Quackity immediately tuned him out.
He found something much more interesting,
His waist.

Karl's shirt was lightly hiked up,Quackity lifted his head and discreetly moved it up a bit more while Karl explained the science of whatever.
Quackity wrapped his arms around his waist and started kissing it right over the waistline of his boxers.
Karl:"what are you doing?"
Quackity:"just...nothing? Keep talking?"
Karl:"okay..w-well...a-as I was saying..."
Karl looked down at Quackity slowly kiss his way up from his lower abdomen.
Karl:"mh~ Lex...we're supposed to study..~"
Karl whimpered as his lower back slightly arched.

Quackity continued to softly kiss him.
Quackity:"studying is so boring..."
Karl:" know I'm sensitive down...
Quackity scoffed,he pulled of giving Karl a second of disappointment before he started to kiss his neck.
Karl quietly moaned as he ran his hands through his hair.
Quackity:"tell me studying is more fun than this..~"
Karl looked at him with furrowed eyebrows before he kissed him.

It was soft,romantic but still so intimate.
It's only been 2 and a half days since they last had sex and that was already to long.
Karl moaned into the kiss,slowly sinking them down into a laying position.
Quackity pulled away and tugged on Karl's shirt,Karl nodded and let Quackity take it off of him.
Quackity smiled and started to kiss down Karl's chest making him whimper again.

Quackity:"kissings allowed,Right?"
Karl nodded,his body starting to twitch for more.
Karl:"yeah...but just kissing!"
Karl said as he looked at Quackity who was at his waist again.
Quackity:"whatever you say."

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