Ghost (karlity) 💠

189 6 4

Karl x Quackity
Song: I don't like writing fantasy😔
Ik i haven't uploaded in 3 days so sorry about that.
Also,school is starting tomorrow so uploads will either be uploaded rlly early or in the afternoon when I get home💔
George's reaction to seeing Quackitys apology stream pop up on his screen is the funniest shit I have ever seen and nothing can top it.

Quackity was in his car,driving to Kansas.
He was on his way to 'ghost town' to record a story for his local paper.
He's been driving for hours,it was eerie,there was fog everywhere and he was driving on a concrete road through the mountains.
He was listening to some music while driving in his brown Cadillac,smoking a cigarette.
It's been so long,Quackity thought about just turning back and saying 'it was all a buncha' hooey',but he didn't,he was to far gone.

He sighed tired,bored out of his own mind.
He looked at the map,around 55 more minutes until he arrived at his hotel,47 until he'd arrive at any type of civilization and get out of these creepy woods.
He took the cigarette out of his mouth and let his hand rest out of the window to let the ash fall down.
Quackity looked out of the rolled down window,he saw something.
Another person,he couldn't take his eyes of of it.

Quackity slowly slowed down the car as he watched the mysterious figure lean over the grass.
Out of nowhere,he wasn't moving anymore.
Quackity had stopped the car,he looked around confused before he went back to looking at the creature confused,but it was looking back at him.
He jumped at the weird feeling,something was off..
The 'person' stood up and looked at his Parked car.

It was a guy,he had brown hair that was lightly pushed to the side due to the breeze that had just passed.
He was wearing pretty regular clothes,formal,
Like he just came back from a fancy dinner party.
He had a weird vibe to him,he just....stood there..
Then again,Quackity did just park his car only to stare at him,so he decided to call out.
The man didn't respond.

Quackity did a 'come here' motion,making the guy take the hint and walk over to his car.
He leaned down to his window.
Quackity:" okay?"
Quackity said confused,he didn't know why he was talking to this stranger,he didn't even know why he would even call out to him,but a feeling in his stomach just made him do it.
Quackity stared into his eyes,it started to get cold.

Quackity was in the car,and had on a pretty thick coat but's like this guy brought a rain cloud with him.
His eyes,they were so....something about them was just.....calming?
Karl:"I suppose so."
His voice echoed,Quackity felt entranced,
weirdly connected to this mysterious person.
It was soft,like an angel.
Quackity:" okay?"
The guy looked at him confused.
Karl:"you just asked me this?"

Quackity shook his head,trying to snap out of it.
Quackity:"need a Ride? You seem...lost?"
He stayed silent for a few seconds before going over to the passengers side of Quackitys car and getting in.
Quackity knew this was wrong,you should never talk to weird ethereal and probably unreal strangers you see on the side of the road,but he felt like this person might've been in danger.

The stranger got in the car and Quackity started to drive.
Quackity:"where ya headed?"
He said after turning down the music.
Karl:"nowhere really,I was just kinda.....walkin around.."
He said like he was in his own little world.
Quackity nodded.
Quackity:"...souooo,where should I drop u off?"
Quackity shifted his position uncomfortably,
This was pretty awkward.

Karl seemed to pick up on that.
He looked over at him.
Karl:"sorry if I'm coming off as weird,my people skills are kinda's been a while since I talked to....a personnn in a car?"
Karl said like he was stopping himself from saying something else.
A living person? Quackity couldn't stop the thoughts of 'this guy is a fucking ghost' invade his head.
He knew it was a stupid theory,maybe this dude was just a weirdo.

Quackity:"it's been a while since I've talked to suspicious strangers picking berries on the side of the road,too"
Karl scoffed.
He rolled his head over to Quackity and smiled.
Karl:"what's your name,handsome?"
Quackity looked at him confused before awkwardly laughing,he didn't expect to get hit on today,Not in some woods but rather in a gay bar as soon as he made his way back home.

Quackity blushed a little as he tried to focus on the road.
Quackity:"uh- Quackity! Quackity,yeah..."
Karl laughed.
Karl:"what an odd name.....'quaCkity'"
Quackity:"well it's more of a nickname,I-I'm a can call me lex if you want.."
He said,a bit embarrassed that he introduced himself as his reporter Alias.
Karl nodded.
Quackity:"what's yours?"
Karl paused like he forgot,but he smiled.

He nodded.
There was a bit of silence.
Quackity:"...soooo,im heading to town,where r you headed?"
Karl:"anywhere you'd like to take me."
Quackity could feel his eyes Pierce through him as he said that,but he had to keep his focus on the road.
Quackity:"I'm heading to the hotel.....would you like to come?"
Karl laughed drunkenly through his teeth as he continued to look at him.
Karl:"sure thing..."


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