Bad impression (karlity) 💠

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Karl x Quackity
Fluff💠 was gonna be lime🔱 but
Why does this paragraph looks so small

Karl was in his dorm room,laying in his bed with his comfy clothes.
He only had 3 classes today so he needed something,and he knew exactly who to text.

Lex❤️ (big dick meanie)

Good morning 💞
Where r u?

Downstairs eating lunch

Ooh what r u eating? :-)

Oh my god can you leave me alone for like 2 seconds

I hate you so much.
Like you are so unlikable
Literally your gonna die alone knowing that no one has ever loved you

Are you gonna let me hit tonight?


Yk just because you said that I'm not showering today.

That's disgusting
I'm not having sex with you if u don't shower


Your parents don't love you
Hope u have a nice day


Karl smiled at his phone while he kicked his feet,excited to see Quackity tonight.
They met on the first day of college a few months ago.
Their relationship was kind of a love-hate-love-
Hate relationship,but there wasn't any actual real hate and no evident love either...
They met on a Thursday morning while Karl was going to his first class,he bumped into Quackity and knocked down all of his books.

Quackity was listening to weezer while looking at Karl with not really any signs of anger while he desperately tried to apologize.
After a while,Karl's talking just wouldn't stop so Quackity stopped the music as he helped him pick up the books.
Turns out,he actually had a really nice voice and a beautiful smile,that was much easier to focus on without "I Just Threw Out the Love of My Dreams" playing in the background.
Quackity knew how to flirt,so he tried to.
"Hey,first day huh?"
What a stupid question.

"Yes,sorry I'm a mess,super duper nervous! Again,sorry for bumping into you I really wasn't looking..."
Quackity remembered those exact words come out of his mouth,he was entranced.
"Um...yeah man,it's fine don't worry.."
Quackity Was nervous,and he didn't know why,he would never be so nervous,it was just flirting?
Usually he just turned on his douchebag frat boy charm but this guys just seemed....
So manic pixie dream girl like.
Quackity didn't know what to do,he just kept on staring at Karl and making bland responses like 'yeah...' or 'ok.'.

Karl eventually left with a smile only to find out they were in the same class later that day.
Quackity tried to push Karl away with his 'ok loser,your so stupid' tactic,but deep down he knew he didn't actually wanna not be freinds with Karl.
So it mixed with 'how was your day's and 'I like your outfit today's.
It turned into a 'kys but ily' sorta relationship,
Along with some hooking up.

Quackity didn't know how he felt about it,Karl was a great partner in sex,Quackity was attracted to everything about him and he was overall very 'unintentionally' good in the bedroom.
But Quackity knew he wanted more,he wanted to go on dates and watch the sunset,he wanted to say 'i love you' and cuddle in bed with Karl.
He wanted him and his dumb cartoony smile,
His soft hands,His doe eyes and everything.
Quackity wished he could make a first impression,he wished he had the confidence to ask Karl out when he saw him in class,but he didn't.

Things could've ended so differently,but now he was stuck in this false mean guy persona.
Anyways,Quackity was in his dorm room thinking about all the things he's done wrong while staring at his essay.
How annoying,why am I such a disappointment,i don't know how to express love...
Quackitys phone buzzed.

Corny brunette from college (Karl💘):
Hey Lex,sorry i said those things you know I don't mean it,love you take care of yourself.

The notification said,Quackity picked up his phone and texted back.

Why is this text so out of the blue
Are you about to kill yourself?
If you are,it's really selfish you literally said you'd let me hit tonight.

I'm not killing myself
Just wanted to remind you that your supposed to be at my DORM right NOW with your BALL in my MOUTH !!


You know what I mean
Come over and get high,i have leftover Panda Express and a new bong
Rick and mortg themed

U r so the guy that would watch Rick & morty

Yeah I get that a lot
I swear I'm not an incel

So what r u?

Misunderstood 😔😔😔

That is so unbelievably cringe.

Just come over already.

Quackity turned his phone off and closed his laptop.
He put on Karl's favorite perfume before going over to his room down the hall.
He opened the door.
Karl was on the floor,he looked up at him with a weak smile.
Karl:"what up?"
Why can't you be my boyfriend already.
Quackity closed the door behind him and saw down next to him.
Quackity:"let's get zooted and fuck"
Karl scoffed and turned around to go get his bong from behind the bed.

He bent over,Quackity admired him as he got more comfortable.
He was wearing red,white laced shorts along with a slightly too big 'HARVARD' sweater.
Quackity:"your ass looks good in those shorts"
Karl smiled as he got the bong and tray.
Quackity smiled.
He watched Karl gather his regular weed,since this wasn't a 'midsommar' strain occasion,
Before he put it in the bowl,all done of his adventure time themed rolling yeah.
He put the tray away and got his lighter,
Holding it to the bowl as he turned it on and with that,taking the first hit.

Quackity admired him,it was a little funny to see a goody-two shows,probably line leader in kindergarten and raised in a middle class home in the suburbs light up a bong.
Quackity chuckled.
Quackity:"so uh....what are your plans for the weekend?"
Karl pulled the bong away and exhaled the smoke into the air before handing it to quackity.
Karl:"it's pretty exciting actually,I already finished my assignments for the weekend because I was going to see my family but they canceled,so I have a date tomorrow?"

Quackity quickly pulled the bong away and coughed out the smoke.
Karl shyly smiled as he looked away.
Karl:"yeah, know corpse? From uh,
Oh shit.
Quackity looked at him,zoned out before he nodded.
Karl:"yeah I thought so,I've seen you guys talk but- anyways,he's been asking me out for a few weeks now and...I decided to finally say yes.."
Quackity looked at Karl,he was all flustered and weird..

He started to finish his inhale again to try and act normal.
Quackity:"well thats...good for you.?"
Karl smiled at him.
Karl:"yeah,I could use some romance...a deeper connection..I think it'll be nice.."
He thought out loud as he fidgeted with his fingers.
Quackity:"dude,I'm right here"
Karl laughed and looked at him like he just said something real funny.

Karl:"hah! Sorry,wasn't supposed to be an insult,it's just......we don't really have a 'romantic' relationship,we kinda just have sex,
Get High,hang out and...have more sex? If you would've asked me out when we met I definitely would've said yes.."
Quackity put the bong down and looked at Karl.
He said it like it was nothing,but this changes so much.

Thoughts were rushing through Quackity head,he didn't know what to do with them.
Quackity:"a-are we gonna have sex or not?"
He blurted out,please can someone please just talk.
Karl:"we can,he said he's fine with it...unless ofcourse we end up,you!"
He looked at Karl being excited.
Should I....A) have sex with him possibly one more time to make him realize no one is better than me or B) Leave and cry in my room?

What do u guys think🤯?

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