Bachelorette party (karlity) ♻️ 2

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Karl's jaw was on the floor as he laughed at Quackity.
Karl:"dude,no shot-"
Quackity:"I'm telling you the truth,would I lie to a married man,Karl Jacobs?"
Karl was still speechless.
Karl:"sorry but you are not bigger than corpse,
Your delusional."
Quackity:"yeah well,I guess you'll never find out now.."
Quackity shrugged.
Karl tilted his head as he admired Quackitys position.

One of his hands still on the wheel for some reason,laid back,man spreading.
Quackity looked at him,trying to think of an answer that wasn't directly 'show me yours and I'll show you mine'.
Quackity shrugged.
Karl:"not even if I say please...?"
Karl's voice had an obvious change,it got quieter.
Quackity:"nope,not even if you say please.."
Karl:"well that's too bad,you got me very intrigued..."

Quackity smirked.
Quackity:"i don't blame you,after settling for something so mediocre for so long it must feel..exciting?-"
Karl:"oh fuck off,Quackity"
Karl laughed.
Karl:"cmon,now your just talking shit..."
Quackity:"maybe,you'll never know,right?"
Karl bit his lip as he looked at him.
Karl:"never would I have excepted you to be this cruel...."
Quackity:"well im not a homewrecker,and I didn't take you as a cheater,Jacobs?"

Karl:"what? How am I cheating? We're just..
Quackity:"we Are,but your busy thinking about how big my dick must be if im saying it's bigger than your fiancés.."
Karl quietly scoffed,he just wanted Quackity so bad.
It's what he wanted all along,right infront of him,all he had to do was bargain.
Karl:"well your the one that brought it up? Besides,thinking about what corpse calls me during sex,pretty perverted don't you think? I am...engaged after all..."
Quackity smirked.

Quackity:",going After future married men is totally not my style.."
Karl looked him up and down.
Karl:"'s really too bad...but uh,keep in mind he might've not asked me at all.."
Quackity:"yeahh..but your still in a relationship..."
Karl:"what if I told you it was open?"
Quackity:"I Wouldn't believe you."
Karl:"really? You have no empathy for someone who's lying for their own sake...maybe their just..really curious.."
Quackity tilted his head.

Quackity:"you really wanna do this when your finance's party is right through that door?"
Karl shrugged.
Karl:"don't you?"
Quackity scoffed.
He looked at Karl for a few seconds before he flicked the cigarette onto the mat and stepped on it so he could grab Karl's face and kiss him.
Karl immediately kissed back.
It was odd,in a good way? It felt so intimate.
It felt like his first kiss with corpse,the night of their first time.
Corpse and karl had a familiar conversation,
A one that reeked of sexual tension.

But Karl now realized he did it because it felt like he was supposed to,it was intimate,like corpse actually cared about what Karl had to say and it wasn't just a one sided conversation.
But look where he was now,cheating on his boyfriend.
I guess Karl was scared that him and Quackity are gonna end up the exact same way,but that fear slowly disappeared as Karl's libido took over for one of the first times in a long while.
He wanted Quackity so bad,was this a clutch? Was he longing for something more meaningful than some relationship that was all about sex but they had to pretend that it wasn't? Karl knew Quackity more than he knew corpse wich was ironic.

I guess he'll have to see,because he wasn't stopping now.
Karl climbed on top of Quackitys lap,there wasn't a lot of space but that just made it better.
Karl moaned into the kiss,this feeling felt weirdly unfamiliar? He has sex with corpse nearly every day but....this felt like he was doing this for himself.
He initiated it,he really really wanted it.
They were obviously making out at this point.
Karl started to rushingly open Quackitys jeans.
Quackity quickly jumped in to help him.
Quackity:"easy there..."
Karl:"do you want me to slow down?"

Quackity laughed as he lightly sat up off of his seat to pull down his jeans.
Quackity:"you? I didn't know you though your in demand here?~"
Karl:"lex you don't know how much I fucking need you right now,you don't know the half of it-"
Karl exhaled frustratedly.
Like he hasn't had this sort of thing in a hot minute even though he had sex,like I said,
almost every day.
Quackity stared to undo Karl's pants too with Karl's help.

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