First impressions (karlity) 💠

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Karl + Quackity
Song: ribs - lorde
Whenever I'm down I just decide to either torture myself with the fact that I can't write smut or write kid Karl and Quackity just being silly little children being cringe
I LOVE U ALL SM❤️‼️❤️‼️❤️‼️

Karl was swinging his feet back and forth,
Incredibly happy and excited.
There was a new student coming to school today,Karl was hoping to be friends with him.
George:"you look dumb"
Karl turned his head to George and sighed.
Karl:"why do you always ruin stuff..."
George carelessly shrugged and continued to eat his egg sandwich.
Karl rolled his eyes.
Karl:"shut up,shithead."

George:"fuck off loser?-"
Karl sighed and looked back to the front of the class.
Karl:" think he'll be cute?"
George:"you do realize that literally no one other than you is gay,like....ever?"
Karl kicked his leg.
Karl:"everyone else but YOU"
George;"hey,fuck off fruit!-"
"Please settle down class!"
Karl looked to the front of the class,everyone was looking at them.

They didn't realize they were being so loud.
The new kid was standing next to the teacher,
He tried to hide his laugh with his hand.
He was cute,but Karl wanted to bash his head in now that he saw what a loser he was.
That feeling only lasted for a few seconds before he went back to wanting to be his friend.
Nevertheless,Everything was ruined.
Karl:"sorry miss..."
Karl awkwardly scratched the back of his head.
It was silent.

" I was about to say,this is our new student! Uhhhh...."
The teacher leaned over the messy desk to look at her papers.
Karl was looking down but he eventually felt the eyes leave him.
He shamefully leaned over to George.
Karl:"go sit on Bads spot so he can sit next to me"
George looked at him like Karl just asked him for meth.
George:"what? No!?"

They talked quietly this time since people were still talking about them.
Karl:"just fucking- Go!"
George scoffed frustrated before he quietly got up and moved one row to the back.
Karl smiled and readjusted his stuff to be more 'welcoming'.
"Ah! There it is,Quackity! Wow is that your real name?"
'Quackity' looked up at her unserious and nodded.
Quackity:"uh huh."

The class laughed,Karl did too.
Although he laughed a little to loud,and it cracked.
Thankfully not that many people noticed,yet he still hoped Quackity didn't hate him for ruining his joke.
The class already seemed to like him.
The teacher didn't catch on to his prank.
"Ah,okay! No judgement amirte! Anyways,you can go sit down next toooooo...uhhhh..."
She scanned the classroom,Karl kicked his feet back and forth with a big smile on his face.

The seat to his right was free! Free for Quackity to sit down and befriend him!!
"Ah! Lara! You can take a seat right there,don't worry..she's nice under all that makeup"
The class laughed at the mean teachers joke,
But Quackity didn't.
For some reason,that made the class stop.
He politely smiled at her before taking a seat next to her at the second row of the class.
Karl looked disappointed.
Why not beside me?? There's another free space here.

George:"I hope you fucking cry about this."
George whispered as he leaned over to him.
Karl:"just...come sit next to me again.."
George sighed annoyed and got up,he slightly crouched down thinking it would make him more discreet.
"George,where are you going?"
George froze as the class looked at him.
This really wasn't their day.
George sighed and sat back down.

You know it's bad when even the person who sees all kinds of weird kids every single day judges you infront of the whole class.
Karl frowned at him before he turned back to the front.
He sat at his desk and drew stick men on his worksheet until the period ended.
It was gym class,Karl's least favorite time.
He picked up his stuff while everyone else left,
Eager to get fit and climb ropes and what not.
Karl threw his backpack over his shoulder and waited for George to join him.
George:"I fucking hate our teacher."

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