Under the bridge (karlity) ♻️

420 12 21

Karl x Quackity
Proof reading is so boring omg,I don't do it anyways,anyway have any of you downloaded kik to watch Sapnap stream? No judgement I'm just curious to see if many people already did/nf

Karl was walking through a forest,nervous out of his mind.
It was cold,it was foggy and tiny raindrops would drop from the sky or off of the leafs or a tree every few seconds,no one around at all.
it was calm but..also a little too calm to the point where it was eerie.
Karl was on a quest,a quest to obtain illegal substance from a wizard.
Maybe he's been playing a bit to much cuphead,but basically he was gonna buy weed from a dealer.

He didn't know who this dealer was,but Sapnap gave him his number and it was Karl's job to go buy it.
Karl was hanging out with his new college friends at a party and they were smoking weed,
They all seemed to have fun but Karl passed,
Fast forward to now,a few days later he decided that he really wants to experience getting high.
He regretted not doing it when everyone else was since it looked really fun,but Karl was tired and a little annoyed at them for not helping clean up the party that wasn't even at his house.

Anyhow,karl was walking onto a bride,to this weird place.
As you went up the bridge there was this space,no trees,green grass,like a circle.
Probably a nice place to have a wedding,this was calming.
It looked like it would start to feel like a liminal space if you stared at it for too long.
Karl stopped on the peak of the bridge,looking around for anyone,at all?
He looked at his phone,'you have arrived at your destination!' And then back up,no one..?
He did a few confused spins before he scratched his head.

Karl called out,in a seemingly ineffective tone.
Karl jumped at the sudden sound,echoing.
He slightly leaned over the bridge to see a guy standing Under it,his head peaking out from under.
Karl:"are you Quackity?"
Karl said louder,still a bit confused.
Karl looked at him for a few seconds with no specific expression before he started to walk down the bridge and over to Quackity.

He skipped down the small hill to get to the concrete under the bride,a bit of water running across it,but only a little.
Karl got to under the bridge and infront of Quackity.
He looked around before looking at him.
Wow,he was beautiful..
Quackity wore a thick leather jacket and a sweater underneath pared with slightly baggy jeans and adidas shoes.
Karl felt a little stupid Coming here with a white collared red sweater and regular jeans.
Quackity:".....you look suspicious.."

Karl:"what do you mean?"
Quackity:"you look like your favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip.."
Karl tilted his head confused.
Quackity:"I-I'm saying you look like a cop."
Karl:"oh! Well I'm not!....so..."
Karl awkwardly laughed.
Quackity looked at him judgmentally before he shrugged it off.
Quackity:"whatever,I know your a friend of saps and I saw you at that party last week"
He said as he got a plastic bag out the inside of his jacket.
Quackity:"got the money?"

Karl:"yess! Sapnap transferred me some"
Karl smiled as Quackity got out the bag of weed and he got out his phone.
He went on cashapp only to see his balance was $7.02.
Karl felt a wave of nervousness rush through his body,he looked up at Quackity and awkwardly laughed before looking back at his screen and refreshing the page.
Karl:"s-sorry..must've not gone through...or something....just a sec,please"
Quackity shrugged.

Quackity:"it's fine"
Karl held one finger up to Quackity and put the phone to his ear with his free hand as he called Sapnap.
A few rings...a few rings..he picked up!
Karl:"hi,yeah,where is the money?"
He tried to panic quietly while avoiding eye contact with Quackity.
"What money?"
Karl:"the weed money? The fucking money you said you'd send me for weed? Partially YOUR weed you fucking asshole I swear to godifyoudontfuckingsenditrightNOW-"

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