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MIGUEL WOULD BRING everyone to my grave over the past few weeks. He'd tell them about our current situation, and no matter how hard he tried to convince them, in their eyes, I could tell they didn't. The only thing that would prove it is if I was able to talk to them, but I can't. I can only do that with Miguel.

"I don't know about this Miguel," Peter sighed, "It's just... it doesn't seem like it could happen."

"We can climb walls and hold up buildings," Miguel scoffed, "Y/N being alive shouldn't be that hard to believe."

"You know what I mean, man," Peter said, "Bringing back people from the dead? That's something that's never happened before. Usually people who are dead want to stay dead."

"She said she wanted to come back," Miguel shook his head, "She woke up for me, Peter. She said she'd get better if she came back."

I did tell him that.

"Are you sure it's not your conscience, man?" He put his hands on Miguel's shoulders, "Telling you what you wanna hear?"

Miguel sighed. "It's Y/N, man. It's her."

Peter took his hands off of Miguel. He looked at my gravestone then back at him.

"Tell me something only Y/N would know."

"What?" we both said at the same time even though only Miguel was heard.

"You heard me," Peter nodded, "If she's here, tell her to tell you to tell me something only she'd know about me."

Miguel looked to the gravestone and shrugged sheepishly. I guess it wouldn't hurt.

"Uh, let's see..." I say, thinking, "I know that when it was Thanksgiving he took your homemade tacos and ate them."

Miguel's jaw dropped as he looked to Peter.

"You're the one who ate my tacos?!" He scoffed, "The ingredients are extremely hard to get! I had to travel to two different universes without creating an anomaly!"

Peter gasped. He took a few steps back. He covered Mayday's ears.

"Oh my fucking God, Y/N's alive."

I stand up from my gravestone, laughing, "He believes us!"

"You believe us!" Miguel gasped in surprised.

"I didn't tell that to a soul except for Y/N."

"So, you'll help?" Miguel says, his hope filled eyes looked to Peter.

"Anything to bring Y/N back," Peter said, his voice determined.

"Great," Miguel said, his face brightened, "Any ideas?"

"Well, we do need something that's connect to the place she's in to the living realm," Peter shrugged, "We could work from the teleport-er we have already."

Miguel nods, catching on as he paces, "Adjust the frequencies to the realm she's in, bring it here, and have her go through."

"I'm coming home," I say, surprised that they actually figured out a way to bring me back.

"Yeah," Miguel nodded, "You're coming home, Y/N."

"We should get started right away," Peter said, nodded as he pulled out his phone, "We could have it done in a few days."

"Yes," I nodded, "Go. Bring me back."

Peter waved and began walking towards the car, leaving Miguel and I alone, standing in front of my grave.

"You'll be okay without me for a few days?" He asked worriedly, "I don't want you to be lonely. I've never really skipped a day."

"You're fine," I shake my head, looking up at him, "I've gotten used to being alone."

He presses his lips together, his eyes shifting to the ground. I realize what I said and immediately shake my head.

"That's not what I meant, Miguel," I retract the last statement, "I'm sorry."

"No, no," Miguel shrugged, "You're right. But I promise to be there for you once you come back. I'll be by your side every day."

I chuckle, nodding. That's something I could get used to.

"Can't wait," I smile, chuckling slightly, "I can't wait to kiss you once I come back."

Miguel laughed, "I can't wait either, Y/N."

Suddenly, the car honked. Peter rolled down the window, gesturing for him to come inside.

"You should probably go," I look back to Miguel, "The sooner the better."

"Yeah," he looks straight ahead, unaware of where I am, "I'll see you in a couple days, Y/N. For real this time."

"Good," I say, looking up at him as he gaze was soft, "I love you, Miguel."

He grinned, his cheeks turning pink, "I love you more, Y/N. So much."

He then began his walk to the car. I was left there, watching him go. It'll be a few days. I can wait that long.

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