Messy Bitch

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Its been days since i spoke with August and the house has this black cloud over it. He doesnt talk to me he talks at me and his bitch is fucking messy and rude im a maid not a slave and i dont think i want to be a maid anymore either. I been dealing with her shit since he came home i was getting to a breaking point.
"Candice, can you go pick of my dry cleaning, and here is the list for the groceries" she said just walking in my room.
"Today is my off day" i said
"Okay but you live here, dont be lazy"
"Excuse me, what the hell is thats supposed to mean" i said with a stank face
"Yo ass aint off" she said
"Well i aint doing it i dont work for you" i went back looking through my magazine
"We'll just see what August has to say" she said walking out.
I cant stand her she lazy, inconsiderate, messy and rude as fuck and this was the bitch August was with, he made this messy bitch his girlfriend. Moments later August walks in my room.
"Yo i need you to start on the rooms upstairs".
"Oh gawd" i mumbled
"You got somethin to say"
"Does it matter" i said rolling my eyes walkin past him
"And another thing when Courtney, ask you to do something do it, you don't have to give her all that damn attitude either" he said walking out my room.
This was supposed to be my off day. But clearly i will have to be leaving the night before my iff day so i can get a break.I cleaned up all the restrooms upstairs and i was on to August bathroom next. I walked in the bathroom and i was shocked August bathroom was spotless yesterday the counters were cleaned off everything was nice.
"This is unbelievable" i said to myself a few hours had past i was done cleaning and i jogged downstairs and i saw Usher laughing with August.... I walked into my room.

"So whats good with Candice?"

I dunno you tell me she let you fuck right?" August said annoyed

"Mayne, you say it like i took something from you" he said drinking

"Look what ya'll do is what ya'll do her and i was never together"

I laid in my bed hearing their whole conversation my heart sank he thought i slept with him which was not true thats why he was being such a ass to me. And the sad part he thinks its true. I got up grabbing my phone off my dresser when Courtney bust through my door.

" WHERE IS it AT, I KNOW YOU TOOK IT" she said barging in my room talking loud

" the fuck are you doin?" I jumped up

"Whats going on here" August came in looking confused

"Your little whore of a Maid stole my brand new Chanel purse"

"WHAT!! are you serious I'm not a thief"

"Did you see her take it before you start accusing her" August turned asking her

" i just had it sitting on the bed and she comes from out the room and its gone"

"Candice did you take her purse" he asked me

"No" i said with raised eyebrows

"That bitch lying, it didnt just get up and grow legs and walk away"
"You have to be kidding me this is ridiculous"
"And you sure it was on the bed Candice?"
"You believe i took it" i was in disbelief
"Ima take it out of ya pay" august was blowing me.
"Fine fuck it, and while you at find a new fucking maid" i grabbed my purse pushing past August and Courtney.

I left August house and went to go stay with my sister Nicki, for a little while i just needed to be away from Atlanta, i didnt wana be shopping somewhere and see him or his little gold digging bitch. I was sitting at the table in my sisters Jamaica queens apartment when she started with her nosey introduction speech.
"So candice are you going to tell me why you are here or are we going to act as if nothing is wrong" she said. My sister knew me to well but i didn't want to burden her with my problems and she is nosey she has been asking me this since i got here same thang for almost a month
" i cant come visit my favorite sister it has to be some kind of catch" i said with a spoonful of rice in my mouth.
" Candy, im your only sister," she side eyed me.
"I know isnt that amazing" i said smiling
"Candice, im serious you know i know whats up now tell me you don't come visit me and stay more then a week" she said eating my food
" theres nothing to tell i just missed you and things change"
"Okay i know you keep lying is it a guy?"
"Oh mah gawd, bitch it is look at you, whats his name?"
"See now i realized why i dont come around your like mom so nosey" i said getting up putting my bowl in the sink. I walked in the room to get my blanket.
"YOUR GOING TO SPILL THE TEA I KNOW YOU CANDICE" she yelled from the kitchen. I grabbed my blanket and pillow goin into the living room. My sister was on the sofa watching Tv.
"Move over" i said getting behind her laying on her hips.
"Why you trying to squeeze knowing you cant fit" she said making room. We set there watching Tv and the News came on.
"Ya know your old boss is out here doing a show"
"Good for him" i said dryly . We set quietly watching Tv when breaking news came across the screen.
"Today in breaking news singer August Alsina was rushed to the hospital this evening after performing on stage at his new york show," the news lady said i set up.
"Nicki turn this up" she turned the Tv up
"What the hell" Nicki said sitting up.
"After his short performance the i love this singer collapsed and fell off stage, it is still unclear as to the cause or reason the singer fell we will have more on the singers condition". I set looking at the television confused not knowing what i just heard or how to comprehend either.
"Candice, you ok sis" my sister said
"Uhh yeah"
"You sure"
"Yea, ill be back i have to make a phone call" I said getting up. I walked out the room and a tear fell down my cheek i grabbed my phone and looked T and era both called me I called T back.
"Hey Candice" T said
"Is he okay" T wasnt saying anything he was quiet " T is August okay" i started to break down on the phone
" I cant say Candice"
"What hospital are yall"
"Manhattan community hospital" he said
"Im on my way" i said hanging up the phone.
Few days later
"Where is his girlfriend" i asked Era and T standing in the lobby.
"Man that bitch left once the doctors said he was in a coma" Era looked stressed
"How this happen?"
"August doesn't listen to anyone he was over working himself due to her" T said
"What why"
"she was spending a lot of money so he would book show after show and wasn't eating just drinking, not sleeping enough, Candice since you quit that nigga ain't been the same" Era said

Courtney was bad news... Could this mean August and Candy Canes back on? Place your comments see what happens in the next chapter

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