August is Sensitive

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"Boy I aint here to see you my auntie called me over here so chill, you still mad bout the chick i hooked you up with?"
"Mayne Keisha,hell yeah that bitch spent over 20 thousand dollars of my got damn money".
"And thats yo fault aint nobody say fall all in love with tha bitch, you the one was tricking".
"Whatever Keisha, what you want?"
"I told you I was here for my auntie"
"Keisha, is that you" my momma said walking behind me.
"Yea this ole peanut head asking me twenty million questions" she pushed passed me
"august where Candice" she asked
"Upstairs laying down"
"Who is Candice?" Keisha looked confused
"Oh thats his girlfriend"
"What, like a real girlfriend my little ass cousin got a girl, i don't believe this"
They both laughed which i aint find it at all funny.
"August, Candice wants you" Chandra said coming from upstairs.
I went upstairs walking in the room she was sitting up with her head back holding her nose.
"Baby whats wrong, oh shit" i went over to her grabbing the paper towel helping her.
"My nose just started bleeding" she said reaching for my hand.
"You okay"
"It should've stopped bleeding" she said getting up examining her nose. I looked at her while she stood in the mirror.
"What baby?"she said smiling
"Nothin just admiring how beautiful you are". I said getting up walking up behind her wrapping my arms around her, " you always know the right things to say such a charmer" she said smiling looking at our reflections in the vanity.

"we look good together" I said smiling kissing the fold in her neck.

"yea you aight I make us look way better" she said pushing me playfully.


" Candice, when August was younger we could never get that boy to keep his diaper on" Sheila said laughing. August just set there acting like this show and tell his mother was telling us wasn't getting to him.

"look at him now all grown up and still trying to show himself to people" Chandra said laughing imitating his famous I love this shit move..

"man ya'll aint going to be sitting here talking bout me like I'm not here?"

"its all fun and games babe, stop being such a sour puss" I said tapping his knee

"yea Aug," Sheila said doing his famous body roll. We all started laughin.

"hahaha keep laughin" he said agitated. He got up and walked outside

"I think yall hurt August feelings" I said getting up

"chile that boy can't take a joke when its about him but let him clown someone else we never hear the end of it" Chandra said braiding her in two ponytails.

"ya'll know August is sensitive" Sheila added. We set in the living room laughing and sharing stories about each other. I loved that I got the chance to meet his Mother she was such a sweet laid back person compared to what I heard about her, She was just like any other mother you would get to know. It started to get later in the day and everyone was getting ready to go Altanta.

"baby I'll be back later tonight you gon be good until I come back?" he said walking up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"yes I will be fine, I have a Doctors appointment this afternoon"

"ok do you want me to come with you" he said kissing me on my neck.

"no, just go and do what you have to do Nicki, is coming with me" I said turning around facing him wrapping my arms around his neck. He looked down at me smiling.

"aight well lemme get out of here I love you" he said kissing me

"love you too" I kissed him back he stood in front of me looking down at me with a straight face.

"why are you looking at me like that"

" you gon give me that cheap ass kiss" he said licking his lips

" I kissed you how you kissed me" I said smiling "nah give me a better one"

"o,m,g August," I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him. I felt his hands wrap around my torso tighter. He opened his mouth putting his tongue in my mouth. August hands started to roam my body. I broke away from him looking him in his eyes.

"that's better" he said gently putting his hands on my neck pulling me closer to him he leaned down kissing my lips again. Bitting his bottom lip.

"baby go so you can come back"

"don't rush me little girl" he said backing me up against the counter

"no, August stop I know that look" I said smiling using my hand to stop him from coming closer. "really" he said stopping infront of my hand.

"yes really" he looked sneaky like he was thinking things he had no business thinking. He grabbed my wrists pulling me to him.

"lets go" he said hugging me putting his hands on my ass.


"Candice, what a pleasure seeing you and you brought you sister" Dr.Harvey said smiling behind his desk.

"hello" I said taking a seat.

"so we have two things that we need to discuss, 1 the chemo treatments, 2 where are we with your treatments". He said pulling out my file

" As you know we upped the chemo in the past month and it has killed the cancer cells that were in that area" "oh my god that is awesome Dr." I said smiling looking at my sister who was holding my hand

"hold on, but" he added and my facial expression changed

"but what"

"As we killed the cancer that was in the certain area of your body it spread to another part of your body turning in a tumor "

I looked at him and back at my sister. I was trying to stay strong I didn't want to cry but it was hard. "So what now, I still have to do more chemo treatments?" I said with a shaky voice.

"Yes we have to upped the treatment dosage but as you know you have lost a lot of weight and these next set of treatments I need you at a good weight before I can administer them to you"

"Dr. Harvey, can I ask you something?"


"Where is the cancer now?"

"The cancer has been located by your kidneys, let me show you. He got up showing me a diagram of a kidney and pointing to where the cancer was sitting. this is the tumor its about 7 centimeters if we can get your weight up where we need it to be before the cancerous tumor starts spreading to the lymph nods and other parts of the kidney we will be good and can stop treatments once it's down in size or even completely gone"

"And if she can't get her weight up doctor" my sister interjected

"there is no can't she has to do this is that serious I don't want this spreading anymore if it does spread hypothetically speaking someone with a case like yourself there will be no way to stop it and chemo treatments won't help so this is very important that you eat protein lots of protein, I will have the clinic ship you protein shakes to your house" I took in everything that Dr. Harvey said if I don't get my weight up I will pretty much die with out the chemo treatments.

We said our good byes and left back to the house. The cry ride was silent my mind was jumbled I just felt like giving up I just felt like no caring but I had to stay positive I had to stay in good spirits I'm literally fighting for my life. All this stress all this bullshit with my health was hurting me. We made it to the house I went to my room that I shared with August he still hadn't made it home yet and I didn't want to burden him with what I was going through it was a lot for me and I know it will be a lot for him. I know he loves me I know he does but I can't burden him with my issues. I took my clothes off and got in bed crying my eyes out till I fell asleep.

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