25. What are we going to do?

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"Oh, Lord Muzan. How lovely it is to see you here at my paradise."

"I'm not here for small talk. I'm just here to give you an order."

"Oh of course. Then tell me, and I will carry it out."

"You know the l/n family right?"

"Hm? Oh! You mean that family with the half demon children, right? The youngest is so cute! What was her name again?

"Yes. That family. I also have received information that Gyutoro had died."

"I'm sorry, master. Who is Gyutoro?"

"The one that upper 5 turned."

"Oh! Him! Yeah. That's a shame. I wanted to get to known him better. Who killed him?"

"He accepted death himself while waiting in the sun. In other words he took his own life."

"Wow. What a way to go."

"Now back to the family. It seems that Kagome went on a rampage. She is now currently hiding somewhere."

"Oh. I see. Poor Kagome. First she finds out both her favorite sisters died, and now she eye witnessed her lovers death. Such a sad tale. I even liked her as well."

"Stop pretending. It pains to listen to you mope like you care."

"Alright. So what exactly are you here for?"

"I received word from her mother's spy, that y/n achieved her full demon form."

"Really?! Oh, that is wonderful news, Lord Muzan. But, what happened?"

"She turned back to human, but lost her memories in the process. She was most likely near death."

"How did she turn back? Half-demons confuse me."

"A special Wisteria poison made specifically for half-demons. The Tamaki family is back on the chess board."

"The Tamaki family? Oh! I remember. Isn't that the family that-"

"Don't remind me, or I'll kill you."

"Okay. So what do you want me to do, lord Muzan?"

"I want you to dig into the l/n estate. I heard that the brothers are still living there. See if you can find Kagome. I'll handle y/n and her mother myself."

"Wait, lord Muzan. What do you plan to do to her? I would at least like to devour her mother. Shes closer to an upper rank than Gyutoro was."

"You leave that to me. I'll also handle
You remember what I told you?
That the family was a group of pawns in my plan. A pawns only purpose is to make a path for the stronger players to get through. And when a pawn is attacked, it's purpose is fulfilled. Making it a useful, yet meaningless existence.
M/n played her part. Now her existence is pointless and useless for me.
It's time I roll her son's into the game. Though, I plan to make the sons into knights."

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