12 forms of Zodiac breathing

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I'm bored and currently have writers block. So I thought why not show the readers what all 12 forms of zodiac breathing does?

(Demon y/n: THAT I CREATED!)

1st form: Aries
-Like flame breathing, the sword created fire, but it has a twist. The fire forms the aries mark into the demon when they are cut.

2nd form: Taurus
-Enhances the users physical strength. To put it simply: the sword becomes the users arm and blows a huge punch to the demon.

3rd form: Gemini
-Copies another users breathing form or the demons power. Only works if the user knows the move.

4th form: Cancer
-User uses two swords and they work like crab claws. Also hurts like a pinch.
(Also no jokes about the zodiac name, please. Do that somewhere else.)

5th form: Leo
-Fire takes the form of a lions mane. Also gives the user powerful night vision. As a bonus, the users appearance changes. Giving them more hair(on the head) and sharpening the pupils of the eyes.

6th form: Virgo
-Flowers grow on the sword as it cuts through the demon. Thorny vines grow around the cut, if thw user wasnt planning to use it to kill. The thorns slowly kill the demon in their own. Slowly and painfully.

7th form: Libra
-This form doesnt kill or harms demons. But is very useful. The user can see the actions of the demon target. Prime example: the user uses the Libra form on a demon. The user can now see how the demon thinks and what it did. So go on and mentally torture to your content☺.

8th form: Scorpio
-Ingects venom into the demon. The venom is stored up in the handle of the sword. So it leaks out into the cuts and wounds of the demons.

9th form: Sagittarius
-The sword becomes the arrow. The user must have great vision and aim for this move. Great for long distance. As a bonus: it permanently damages the demon if it gets away.

10th form: Capricorn
-This form makes the user develop an appetite for demons. The user can use this form to chop off a demons head, and it won't denigrate. It's available for eating! The other way to use this form is the sword becomes as hard as a goats head and slam it onto the demons head. You can even do it over and over a few times until they get brain damage.

11th form: Aquarius
-Has to be near water for this to work. Controls the water around them and makes a whirlpool around the demon. Leaving it open for a chop to the head.

12th form: Pisces
-Forms water into the shape of two fish. Can be used as a distraction, or the user can control the fish from a distance and chop the demon up that way.


And there it is! All twelve forms of Zodiac breathing.

The breathing I'm very exited to show next is Hanahaki Breathing. Its a breathing technique that one of my oc's use. Tbh I cried when making it. If you know what Hanahaki, good for you. And those who don't: lets just say its very sad.

Heres a little spoiler for the future when it gets introduced:

It's inspired by Flower breathing.

That's all for tonight. The next chapter is in worlds and I hope you all are doing well!

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