Kimetsu High Special

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Winter is coming to an end as Spring arose. Spring can mean many things in high school. Love confessions, shopping, prom, but the one that started rumors like an atomic bomb was the school spring musical.

Three students were in their classroom during break. They were one of many who were apart of the rumors.

"Why must we have musicals every spring?" Yuichiro questioned.

"Maybe tradition? Spring is the most popular, so maybe to hype up all the students?" Y/n suggested.

"There's a musical?" Muichiro spaced out.

"To be honest, I am kind of hoping the musical is, Heathers: The Musical. It's one of my favorites." Y/n said, kind if hoping to have the boys agree with her.

"Nah. They wouldn't do that one. It is good, but it might be a bit inappropriate for 'school standards'." Yuichiro motioned at the word, 'School standers'.
"I am hoping for them to do Six."

"Since when do you like mucicals? And why Six? That doesn't seem like your type?" Y/n mentioned.

"Oh yeah? Then what is my type?"
"Probably Hamilton?"
"Screw off, y/n. I like historical musicals. And Six is one of them."

"He also mostly listens to Anne Boleyn's song." Muichiro pointed out.

"Muichiro! That's a secret!"

"No way! You like Anne Boleyn? That's completely out of nowhere. Never took you for the type, Yuichiro."


"He also, what's the word again, simps for her?" Muichiro mentioned again.

While y/n was trying not to laugh, Yuichiro was red faced and looked like her was about to pop a blood vessel.

"I don't simp! I just think that she's a good character and her song is the most catchiest besides 'All you wanna do'!"

"So you like girls who get their head chopped off?" Y/n asked.

"Shut up!!"

Muichiro and Y/n had a good laugh before the bell rang, meaning the break was over.

During class, y/n kept thinking about the musical. She pondered weather or not she should try out. She loved watching musicals with her sisters when she was younger, and would reenact them with Hina, Makio, and Suma. But y/n wouldn't actually try out in the end. Her singing voice is terrible*, she gets stage fright easily, and can't memorize a line to save her life.

After Science class was over, the club hour is what got students running through the halls. Club hour is where during the school day, the club's would meet and do basic things they do.

Y/n was in the Astronomy club, Muichiro was in the gardening club, and Yuichiro was in photography club.

"Hey, y/n, wanna talk about the musical rumors?" A student named Riley asked.

"Um, sure? But, aren't we supposed to study?"
"We can do that later." Riley's friend, Harley spoke. "Besides, who wants to do work when new tea is starting to brew?"
"I guess?"

"So basically, from what I heard from the theater club, that it's gonna involve death." Riley whispered.

"Why would the musical involve death? It's not puss in boots, is it?" Harley questioned.
"Nah, that's stupid."

'So is it gonna be Heathers? I really hope it is.' Y/n thought.

"What do you think it's gonna be, y/n?" Harley asked.

"Well, I am hoping that it's heathers. But after what you said, it's probably going to be Dear Evan Hanson." Y/n replied.

". . . you like depressing stuff, huh?" Riley commented.
"No. It's just that they are both really good plays that deserve love." Y/n replied.
"Do you listen to heathers because you like J.D.?" Harley questioned.
"I'm done having this conversation."
Y/n went back to work.

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