Real Love

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A letter to my love,

When I don't have to worry about my nerves when we meet, or think too much about your intent and if theirs deeper meaning behind the things we joke about and find funny..

When I can release my feelings and emotions and know you'll tell me the truth because these things simply stay between me and you.

To my messy hair,
ignorant attitude and sprawled
emotion over petty doods.

Or our shared love for crazy foods.

My love that is impatient but still so understanding, my love that is there even if she's awkwardly standing, not sure how to comfort me when my sadness outweighs everything.

To my love.

The prettiest girl in the room.. right next to me, we uplift and build each other as the two queens we are destined to be.

How is it that I haven't shared these feelings before.. and of course theirs nothing close to romance, but this platonic love is one of the best I've ever had.

The world deserves to know about you just as much as they've heard about my heart breaks and sad news.. you're the one there behind the scenes, building me and supporting every failed fling.

You are everything to me, around me, beside me..

You have seen the real me.

To my love.

Who is annoying, yet you make me so happy.

To my love,
Who I cannot live without.

There has been times where I wanted to end it all, because I felt we didn't belong in our closeness and maybe we were choosing wrong for our friendship.. but my love.

I will never easily choose to be without you.

To call another my bestie or sis wouldn't feel right nor make sense in the world we've built.

The world we see.

The world that is ours and no one else can ever get between.

My love.

I thank you for honoring me.. caring for me..

It's really the little things, like when you sit in my company, jamming to those old school things as we talk about our dreams.

That's what completes me.

Without you I'm not me.

If I'm out without you, they'll ask why aren't you there, weve come known to this thing sort of like a pair.. if they see you, then they're damn sure I'll be there.

This love is what I expect others to bring to me.. something so pure and sweet.

Judgment free, a snap back into reality, a helping hand and everything you need to find the slightest thing interesting or funny.. a confidence booster and emotional supporter.

You are the blue print for a true partner in crime, the true definition of ride or die.

No matter what.

Dear love,

Thank you, for allowing me to show you all that I am, and you accepting me, securing me, and praising me with your loving hands.


- LaDonna

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