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What would you explain love to be?

The act of taking a piece of your literal self and having the courage to share it.. in its most purest form.. allowing for another to turn, dismiss, assist and share it as they wish.

Granting power of your heart that doesn't solely belong to you...

and if the love is good or bad simply depends on who's giving and who's receiving.

I am in love with many things and people.

Love bringing me a plethora of feelings along with different identities.

Because of my love, someone could hate me.

Because of my love, another may adore me.

It all depends on who's giving and who's receiving.

One too many times have I been stuck in a love that feels like prison.. I feel as if my mind and the way it turns when I think can sometimes be poisoning.

Corrupting my brain and changing the images of peoples faces I've known and trusted for years.

My opinion on them switching faster than freshly oiled gears.

What would you explain love to be?

A thin line between real and false realities.

Love is scary.

- LaDonna

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