Dear Family,

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I couldn't imagine life without my elders.

From the useful advice about their past experiences and the helpful guidance towards my future.. life without them wouldn't be worth anything.

Because they have given my life all its meaning.

Through various lessons of life teaching and how not to count others, but honor my own blessings.

Without them, my existence is nothing.

They are the reason I am alive, through them I have the strength, courage and ability to thrive.

I am grateful for the ones who came before them and also the ones who came before them.

Thanksgiving and quality time shows me I have more than everything to be thankful.

To know I have a family that loves and supports me.. is the best feeling.

I can't help but feel saddened every time an event ends.. and I can't help but to imagine how it'd be if we all stayed together, never having to leave.

My heart is with every single member of our grand tree.

Carried with them and sewed into their hearts as they keep mine from falling apart because of the pain from another.

They hold me up with a love and affection like no other.

and even though some may go on to their passing days.. being able to communicate and interact with them now, holds much more meaning.

Through my family, I've been exposed to a love that's ever lasting.. full of sincerity and happy memories.

and a special thanks to the woman who's taken her time to raise, protect, shelter and set me free..

"I love you granny"

- LaDonna

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