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My heart races as each tear streams down my cheeks.

With every droplet, another second passes and reality of the pace my life is going begins to set in.

Sit and think.

I'll regret this in the morning,
but right now all I need is to feel something.

I feel everything.

You don't need me,
and neither do I need you.

Yet, my heart beats different whenever you're around.

My cheeks rise and round as I blush under your touch.

I've said every spiteful thing of you that I can imagine.

It hurts to think of how harsh I've been in becoming.

I remember the time when I wasn't afraid of loving.

You are not to blame for my change.

I am human.

I don't take much time anymore to sit in my feelings.

They became too much for me to bare,
as I took in and tried to understand everyone else's emotional dealings.

It is true that change is inevitable.

I still love you though.

- LaDonna

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