Father Figures

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I feel as if I'm leaving my hearts behind.

This trip has showed me what it feels like to have consistent men in your life.. how they ease your mentality, make you feel worthy and love you with no ill intention.

I used to be sad about the way my father loves.. incapable of sentimental affection and understanding feeling.

But, now I see it just shows me to appreciate the ones who try to be attentive in caring for me.

Listening to me talk after the midnight hours.

Taking me on tours for my future living.

Admiring my academic abilities and not minding my uncertainty while giving me advice and their perspective on hard decisions.

Even though I've only been given a glimpse of this type of connection, I feel like I've had it for a lifetime, as if it's been meant for me since the day I started living.

Teaching me to clear my mind and steer away from negative things to teaching me to drive and maneuver through life with caution in search of peace.

Thank you to all of the fathers who've been a figure to me.. letting me know I don't have to search or seek for a thing, because what's for me will come to me.

What's for me won't make me uneasy or feel questioning in terms of family and romantic relating.

Riding in this car and heading back home,
I won't feel whole again until I return to the men who've changed my perspective of the love you should receive from a fatherly man.

These are the first times I can say,
I genuinely smiled, my happiness extending for miles.

Even if it's not my biological father, I know I'll have someone to walk me down the aisle.

- LaDonna

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