Pride Or Pain

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Asking somebody for something takes a strong level of vulnerability.

Theirs more than just a yes or no in their answer, it's followed by annoyed groans and best believe by you asking soon everyone will know.

Word has spread that you asked to borrow this or that and now everyone makes it seem like your hand is always out, begging and expecting someone to give in.

You asked for something maybe once or twice but it'll hang over you for the rest of your life.

So think again before asking someone for the slightest thing.

Yes or no followed by them sharing words of boast about how they helped you and adding on to what you owe.

It's not due to pride that I'd rather not have something instead of asking.. it's the pain that is followed in the embarrassment, shame and lack of having.

It hurts worse when you're fond of giving.

Quick to share or even offer help in whatever way you can, but I guess when the tables are turned you're still left burned.

Needing people for anything takes a strong will and thick skin, because if you can't fend for yourself, you'll always be seen as less than.

Others feeling like they have something to hang over your head.

Thinking your fate lies in whether or not they decide to donate, add to or chime in.

I'd suggest that you get your own.

Because nobody is obligated to help you with anything.

Maybe this is my pride speaking.

- LaDonna

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