Pool Party

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{A/N: Hello! Thank you for checking out this book! Feel free to leave any requests in the comments. I hope you enjoy!}

Y/N Element: Water
Y/N Gender: Female


I was on the Element City bus, listening to (favorite music) when I got a text from my friend, Misty.

Misty: Hey girl! How's your summer been?

Y/N: Pretty good. Not too busy, which is nice.

Misty: That's so cool! BTW, my family is hosting a pool party later today, and you should totally come and visit.

Y/N: Girl, you know that I don't like talking to people :(

Misty: Oh, c'mon, it's gonna be fun! Just watch. Something crazy is going to happen.

Y/N: Fine, but if nothing happens, you owe me one.

Misty: Great! Come over to my house at 1 pm so we can get ready together.

I put my phone back in my pocket as the bus hit my stop. I got off and walked back to my apartment to get my bathing suit. After I packed a small bag with my things, I began to walk towards Misty's house.

As I approached the front door, Misty opened it and smiled widely. "I honestly didn't think you were gonna show up, but I'm glad you're here! We need to get your hair and make-up done pronto."

She grabbed my wrist and began taking me upstairs, but I held back. "Woah, this isn't a fashion show. It's just a pool party."

She turned back to look at me. "Yeah, a pool party where you could meet a cute guy! You need to be ready!"

"I'm telling you, nothing is going to happen."

She rolled her eyes. "Look, if you don't end up meeting and befriending another person at this party, you get to pick my outfit and do my hair for the Sailor Drift concert."

"It's a deal."

She smirked, and we continued upstairs to her bedroom to then get ready.

I wore a (favorite color) bathing suit and (whatever you want to do with your hair). Misty insisted on doing make-up, so I told her to go neutral tones.

She then got ready, too, and we began to walk outside.

"Wait, I thought the party was at your pool?"

"Oh, no! I totally forgot to tell you. My cousins, the Ripples, have a pool that's much larger than ours, bigger household, you know."

I nodded, and we kept walking. After a few minutes, we stopped in front of a huge mansion.

"Woah. This place belongs to your cousins?"

"Yup!" We then approached the guard at the door.

"Ah, Miss Misty, and a guest! I'm assuming you're both here for the pool party? Welcome in!"

He walked aside from the doors, and we both smiled at him. Once we entered, I looked around in astonishment.

"We just need to get to the back of the building, and there's the exit to the pool."

As we walked through the mansion, I looked at all of the things around. There were many paintings and glass sculptures.

After a few minutes, we arrived at two sliding doors that led outside. They were see-through doors, and I could see that there were already a lot of people here.

"Are all of these people your family?"

"Nope! We love inviting guests over, and if you're over once, you're always over again."

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