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Y/N Element: any
Y/N Gender: any


It was Christmas Day, and since I didn't have enough money to buy a ticket to go home, Wade's family said that I could join them. They knew me very well, because Wade and I had been dating for a few years.

 Because of the invitation, I spent the past couple of days gift shopping. He had a big family, and I thought it would be kind to get a gift for all of them. It took me a few hours, but once I acquired all of the presents, I went back to my apartment to wrap them. I spent a little time wrapping, and then put them all in a cardboard box so they were easier to carry. 

I then walked to the bus stop so I could go to Wade's house. I waited on the bus for a bit, and then got off at the stop. I walked for a little bit until I reached Wade's house. I approached the security guard, and he smiled at me.

"Ah, Y/N! So good to see you again."

He stepped aside from the doors and let me walk in. As I stepped inside, I was immediately greeted with the sound of laughter and the smell of cookies. I looked towards the living room and saw that the whole family was already here. Wade's mom then turned her head and saw me in the doorway, and she smiled.

"Oh! Everyone! Y/N's here!"

I walked into the living room and set the cardboard box down on the floor. Then, Wade's mom hugged me. As soon as she parted the hug, Wade ran up to me and spun me around.

"Y/N! I'm so glad you could make it!"

"Yeah! I'm glad to be here."

He stopped spinning me and we smiled at each other. Then, Wade's mom spoke up again.

"Now that everyone is here, let's eat dinner."

We made our way to the dining room to see a large feast on the table. It consisted of ham, mashed potatoes, veggies, and bread (and whatever else you lovelies want. you all deserve the best :D). 

I sat next to Wade, and everyone began to eat. Throughout dinner, we all talked and laughed. I was so thankful that they included me, even though I wasn't officially apart of the family yet. 

After a while, I heard the oven ding. Eddy stood up. 

"Oh! That must be the cookies."

She went over to the oven, and took out the freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies. She put them on the counter for a few minutes to cool, so then everyone could eat them after. 

I took a cookie, and it was really good. The chocolate was still a little melty, and the dough wasn't burnt. 

While we stood eating our cookies, Marco and Polo began to jump up and down.

"Can we pleaseeee open presents now?!"

They were really excited and getting antsy. 

"Alright, alright. I think we can open presents now." Said Alan with a sigh. 

They cheered and ran to the Christmas tree. They began taking the presents and seeing who they were for. The threw the gifts all over the floor, which left the rest of us to organize them.

We put the gifts in piles for whom they were for. After every gift had been organized, we began to unwrap them one-by-one. 

The moms got jewelry and perfume, the dads got socks, shirts, and pants, and the kids got candy and toys. Lake and Ghibli got each other matching necklaces. Finally, Wade and I got clothes, chocolate, and other small things. 

As everyone began looking at their gifts and using them, Wade spoke up. 

"Oh, I forgot, I have one more gift for Y/N."

Everyone got quiet and turned their attention to him. He reached in his back pocket and took out a velvet box.

He faced me and got down on one knee. 

"Y/N, I've known you for many years now, and I can't imagine my life without you. Your beauty shines inside and out, and I'm so thankful you are with me. Your kindness and enthusiasm help me get through my day. You're always on my mind, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Y/N, will you marry me?"

I covered my mouth with my hands and nodded yes. Everyone cheered and he got up and hugged me. Wade and I began crying tears of joy as he put the ring on my finger. 

"I think Y/N Ripple has a good sound to it." Wade said and chuckled quietly. 

"Yeah, I think so too."


(A/N: and with that, this book is over. Again, I apologize for the slow updates of the past couple months. It's been very hectic, but I knew you all deserved a good closure to this book. This has been my biggest success yet, and I have all of you to thank. Your support these 6 months I've updated this book has been huge, and I wouldn't have been able to write it without you. Anyways, I hope all of you have happy holidays, and I hope you enjoyed this book. Until next time :)

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