Rainy Walk (Ember x Reader)

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Y/N Element: earth
Y/N Gender: female

(Thank you to @SezeSully for the request. Sorry for the lateness. Ember and Y/N are both teens in high school).


I am a student at Element High School, and it was currently gym class. I was placed in an all-girls gym class, but I didn't mind. I wasn't the most athletic, but I tried, and had decent confidence. 

It was springtime, so this meant our gym teacher took us outside any chance she got. Today we had to walk awhile over to the football field, since we were using the track this class. As I walked with my friends, I looked up at the sky. I noticed that it was a little gray, but I didn't think too much about it. 

I then looked over to the side of the group and saw a fire girl walking alone with her head down. I had a few classes with her, but we never talked. We didn't have much of a fire population at the school, so I was sure she felt left out. I knew I had to talk to her sometime. 

We played tag football and the sky kept getting darker. No one else seemed to panic, so I decided not to. That was until a large boom was heard and a few girls screamed.

The teacher walked over to them. "Ladies, it was just a little thunder in the distance. I didn't see rain in the forecast for today."

The girls calmed down, and we kept playing. The game ended, and then it began to drip. I glanced over at the fire girl, to see she had put her hoodie up. She probably knew that there was going to be rain, so she wanted to be prepared. 

After a few minutes, it began pouring down rain. Many more girls began screaming and running around frantically. The teacher attempted to control everyone.

"Alright everyone, let's find shelter, and quickly!"

We all sped off to the school, and I was separated from my friends. I then saw the fire girl; she was barely managing to stay covered. 

Since I'm an earth element, I grow anytime it rains. I rushed over to her, and used the greenery I grew to cover her. She glanced over at me, and then smiled. I smiled back.

"Hi, I'm Y/N." 

"I'm Ember. Thank you for helping me out."


We eventually made it back to the school and stepped inside. Everyone looked a little rough, but the effects would wear off after a few minutes. 

The teacher looked at her watch, and then back to the class. "Well, we only have a few minutes left, and I didn't have anything else planned, so it's now a free period."

Some girls cheered, and then either went on their phones, or talked with each other. I turned back to Ember. "So, we have a few classes together, right?"

She nodded. "I believe so, I know I've seen you around before."

"So tell me about yourself: what kind of stuff do you like?"

She began to talk about her life, and how her parents own a shop in Fire Town that she helps out at. "Have you ever been to Fire Town?"

I shook my head. "My family doesn't really leave the main part of town..."

"Oh! That's ok! I don't go out of Fire Town much myself either. Well, other than to make deliveries. But you should totally come sometime."

I smiled and nodded.

"Lately, a little Earth element kid has been running around and loves to bother me. Maybe you could distract him."

A confused look came on my face, but then my eyes widened. "Wait, are you talking about Clod?"

She looked surprised. "How'd you know?!"

I laughed. "He's my friend's little brother. We love to send him on scavenger hunts to distract him."

She looked slightly mad. "So you send him to Fire Town?"

I shook my head. "No! He just ends up there. We'll tell him to get a post card from an air person, and he spends three hours roaming the city."

We both laughed. "That's too funny. I think he has a crush on me, but he's literally like--7?" Ember said and laughed again. 

"I wouldn't be surprised. He's mentioned a fire girl before. I didn't realize it was you!"

"Honestly, he's getting annoying. I try to work at the shop, but he always tries to distract me."

I stayed silent for a few moments, but then got an idea. "I've got it! How about I pick you up sometime, to show you around my area of town, so then you get a day break from him?"

She smiled. "That sounds fun, and then maybe I could show you around Fire Town too? We just couldn't get caught."

"I know. I don't need that interrogation session from Clod. He wouldn't give up!"

We both laughed, and then the bell rang. We began walking to our lockers, and then we stopped at hers. 

"Would you like to sit with me and my friends at lunch? I've noticed you don't typically sit with others, and I'm sure you'd get along with them."

She looked over at me. "That sounds nice, thank you!"

I smiled, and then went over to my locker. 

(A/N: sorry i have no clue how to end this chapter, and i don't want to do a stupid rain joke. Actually-- I take that back-- Q; Why does Snoop Dog need an umbrella? A; Fo' Drizzle. I know, I know, I'm a comedic genius). 

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