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Angie6786941 requested this chapter.

Y/N Element: any :)
Y/N Gender: female


I was super excited for tonight, because I was having a sleepover at Wade's house. We have been dating for a little over a year now, and our parents agreed to let us have a sleepover. Wade and I thought that we could sleepover at his house because we could play games with his huge family, but also have more space. 

He met me at the train station and we walked over to his house, or more likely, mansion.

"Woah, this is your family's place?" I stared up at the huge building. 

He laughed slightly. "Yeah, it's pretty nice."

We approached the security guard at the door. Without any words, the guard let us in because he knew Wade lived there. The entire mansion seemed to be made of glass and water. I looked around and he gazed at me, entranced in my wonder. I looked over to him, and he shyly looked away like he was never looking at me in the first place. I giggled and took his hand. "So, where to now?"

"I'll take you the living room. That way, we can get my family introduction out of the way."

He led me to the living room, and I saw the chaos that ensued inside. People were everywhere, and there were children swimming in the floor (yknow cause the floor is made of water too ig. just try not to think too hard about it).

Wade cleared his throat, and all eyes were on us. Then they all swarmed us. "Is this the Y/N girl you're always talking about?"   "Wow she's so pretty!"   "Bro, you scored!"

I wasn't used to all the attention, so Wade took over. "Y/N, meet my family."

They all squealed, and I smiled. This was going to be an eventful night. A woman stepped forward.

"Hello honey, I'm Wade's mom. It's so nice to finally meet you! Wade constantly talks about you and I'm thrilled to have you here!"

I smiled and nodded at her and Wade blushed. Then she walked away and another guy stepped forward. Wade rolled his eyes.

"What's up Y/N? I'm Alan, Wade's older brother. If he ever hurts you, don't hesitate to call me up."

He winked and me and a disgusted look came on my face. He seemed to recognize and put his hands up in defense. "Wow, I'm only joking."

Wade and I relaxed at this and then he walked away. I looked over to the couch to see another teen water person. I looked at Wade. "Who's that?"

"Oh! That's my younger sibling, Lake. They're really sweet, but really shy." 

I nodded and then was approached by two little kids in the water. 


Wade and I blushed and avoided eye contact with each other. "Uhm..."

The other child yelled up. "I'M POLO! ARE YOU GUYS GONNA HAVE KIDS?!"

Yet another woman approached and scooped them up in her arms. "I am so sorry about those two. I'm Eddy, the mother of these little rascals." She me an apologetic smile and then walked away with them in her arms. 

Wade then took a sigh of relief and looked at me. "That's everyone. It gets a little chaotic, but everyone means well." 

"I figured. You're lucky to have such a nice family."

"Yeah, I am. So, do you want to go to my room?"

I nodded and we went to his room (however you want to. y'all can swim, fly, ride a horse idk. let's just imagine his bedroom floor isn't water, so it's safe for all elements).

He had his own room, with a bed, dresser, and desk. There was also a tv propped onto the wall. Around the top of the bedroom walls were led lights.

"Wow, I would want this room."

He laughed. "Yeah, it's nice."

We sat on his bed. "Sooo, what should we do first?"

I shrugged. "Maybe we could watch a movie?"

He smiled. "That sounds great!"

He got a remote and turned the tv on. "What movie were you thinking?"

"(favorite movie)!"

"Sounds good to me!" 

He put on (favorite movie) and got a blanket for us to share. He put the blanket on both of us to share, and we cuddled close together. We watched the entire movie, laughing (possibly crying depending on the movie), and then he turned the tv off. "So, it's about 10pm now. What should we do next. What should we do now?"

"Well, I'm getting a little tired, but do you mind if we stay up and talk for a bit?"


He turned off the lights and we both got in his bed because it was big enough for both of us. We faced each other and began to talk about life and things. We talked for at least an hour until we both began yawning. 

"Wade, I think we should probably go to sleep now."

"Yeah, you need your beauty sleep. But then again, you're stunning whether you sleep or not."

I laughed "Pfft Wade, you're too funny."

"But it's true!"

I laid down and put my head on my pillow; he did the same. I then hugged him.

"Thank you for tonight, Wade. I love you so much."

He hugged me back. "I love you too, Y/N. More than you could ever imagine."

Shortly after, we both fell asleep in each other's arms. 

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