Meeting Parents

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Thank you to Angie6786941 for the request! I hope you like this one :)

Y/N Element: fire
Y/N Gender: female


Wade and I had been dating for a few months now, so my parents decided that they wanted to meet him. Wade was extremely nervous, but I was sure that my parents would approve. 

My parents decided that the best way to address this was over a dinner. Not a formal dinner, just a simple one at home. To calm him, I decided to spend the entire day with Wade before the dinner. That way, we would both arrive at the same time, and he would (hopefully) be less of a nervous wreck.

We spent the day at all his favorite places; we got brunch at a local cafe, walked around Periodic Park, and watched the clouds in the sky. As it got close to 6pm, we drove back to my house. We got out of the car and arrived at the house. 

As we approached the front door, he squeezed my hand tightly and began sweating. I smiled and him. "Hey, it's all going to be ok. I'm sure they're going to love you."

He looked at me nervously. "But what if they don't? What if I mess up?"

"You're not going to mess up. If anything happens, we'll just laugh it off, and I'm sure they will too."

"And especially since you're fire people. Do your parents like water people? Do they want you to be with a fire person?"

"Wade. They don't care about that stuff. They don't see element, they see personality."

He took a deep breath, nodded, and then I knocked on the door. Shortly after, my mom answered and smiled widely at us.

"Hello Wade! It's so nice to finally meet you! C'mon in!" She stepped out of the way and we walked in. 

"Y/N, your dad is still in the kitchen making the pasta, so you can show him around in the meantime?"

"Sure!" I kept holding his hand and showed him around my house. We then went upstairs and I showed him my room last. 

He looked around and laid his eyes on my dresser. "You keep all the little things I give you?"

I tilted my head. "Yeah of course! Why wouldn't I?"

He smiled. "I don't know, I'm still not used to this. Used to your amazingness."

I laughed. "Thanks Wade, I love you too."

My mom called up, saying that it was time for dinner. We both walked downstairs, and we came face to face with both my parents in the dining room. My dad stepped forward.

"Pleasure to finally meet you, Wade." He stuck out his hand and Wade shook it. "Can I get you anything to drink? A beer or wine perhaps?"

Wade shook his head. "Oh, I don't drink alcohol."

My parents both smiled. My dad nodded. "Good. We're not drinkers either." My mom put a pitcher of water in the center of the table, and we all sat down. Wade and I were on one side and my parents were on the other. I faced my mom and Wade faced my dad. 

We all began to eat, and Wade smiled after the first bite. "Wow! This pasta is really good Mr. L/N!"

My dad smiled. "Thank you, it's a family recipe. And at this point, just call me dad."

I glanced over at Wade and his face instantly lit up. We continued eating and my parents begun small talk with Wade. They asked about his job, his family, his interests; just to find out if this was the guy for me. They practically agreed on everything, and they seemed to love how personable he was. 

By the end of the night, we were all laughing and talking like this was a regular occurrence. Wade insisted he helped clean up, and that gained him even more respect. 

It was now dark outside and we were all now outside talking some more.

"Would you like a ride back to your home, Wade?" My dad ask.

Wade shook his head. "No, but thank you! I drove my car over here."

"Well, it's getting late, so please be safe honey." My mom said and smiled at him. 

He smiled back and addressed both my parents. "Thank you both for allowing me to come over dinner. It was so nice meeting you. You have an amazing daughter."

I got slightly pink and my parents smiled. Wade turned to me. "Well, I guess I'll see you later then?"

I smiled. "Later it is then." We both hugged and then he walked back to his car. After he got in and buckled his seatbelt, he waved at us, and drove away.

I turned to my parents. "So... what do we think?"

My mom squealed and hugged me. "I love him! Husband material for sure!"

I got really red. "MOM!!" My parents both laughed.

"Yeah, I agree. He's a good guy. You picked well, Y/N." My dad said and gave a slight nod of his head.

I smiled widely and cheered internally. We all then went back inside, so I said goodnight to my parents and went to bed.

Wade POV:

I got home and once I opened the door, my family surrounded me. "How'd it go Wade?"    "Did they like you?"    "Give me details!!" 

I put my hands out. "Woah guys, one at a time please. The dinner went really well, and they approved of me." My family cheered, and then they all walked away, going back to what they were doing before. 

I smiled at myself and went to my bedroom. I turned off the lights and got into bed; Y/N didn't leave my mind, not that she ever did. I was so thankful that tonight went so well, and I was excited to see her again. 

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