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( I posted this bit on my homepage too) Oh my goodness has it been awhile or what! I'm finally back home! These next two weeks, I will be writing like crazy trying to make up for the month I couldn't write. I greatly apologize to anyone who has been waiting for chapters, I'm writing them all now. 

These are the ABCs of dating Wade. You can tell I really lost my sanity with some of these responses. Requested by @thatweirdlifeform

A: Attentive. He will always be there to listen. Whether you're happy or sad, he's always there. 

B: Bottom. 

C: Cuddles. Yall will be cuddling all of the time. His main love language is definitely touch, with words of affirmation being second. 

D: Dancing. He loves to dance, especially with you. If you "can't dance", he doesn't mind and leads you through it. 

E: Effort. You both put immense effort into the relationship. 

F: Flowers. He will buy you flowers any chance he gets, most times because he just feels like it. 

G: Golden Retriever. Yall are the golden retriever and black cat duo. 

H: Holidays. Holidays with Wade are so fun. Sometimes, it's just you two, but other times it's his full family. Either way, you love it. 


J: Jacket. If you're cold, he gives you his jacket. 

K: Kisses. He loves to give you kisses, but always asks first. His favorite spots are lips, forehead, and hand. 

L: Loyal. He won't even LOOK at other women; it's all about you. 

M: Marriage. He's worthy of it. (This is, unless, you don't want to get married, he respects your decision).

N: Nervous. Even after months of dating, he still gets a little nervous around you, but you always reassure him that things are okay. 

O: Observant. If you're not feeling like yourself, he knows immediately. He also pays attention to your special interests, and tries to find ways to relate to them. 

P: Patient. He's very patient and will sit through your rants and emotion heavy moments. 

Q: Quack. He loves feeding the ducks, and he will take you to feed them with him. 

R: Royalty. He treats you like a prince/princess/other. 

S: Swiftie. Idk I can see him being a Taylor Swift fan. Take of that what you will. 

T: Time. He always makes time for you. 

U: I spent a solid 10 minutes looking for nouns, verbs, and adjectives starting with U, and I got nothing. If you can make something out of a unicorn or an umbrella, then go right ahead. 

V: Vulnerable. You can both be vulnerable around each other and won't get taken advantage of. 

W: Words of affirmation. As stated earlier, he loves to compliment you. Whether you're used to it or not, he won't let up until you've accepted his praise. 

X: X.........x........Xylophone!! 

Y: Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if his family owned a yacht cause they got money, so I'ma go with that. He has access to his family's yacht and yall go on mini cruises.

Z: Zzzs = sleep. This guy sleeps a LOT. This could be a beige flag depending on your opinion on sleep. 

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