Love Poem

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ukiyo_321 requested this. In this one, they're both in 6th grade, so that makes them 11 or 12 years old.

Y/N Element: any
Y/N Gender: female

Most people would think it's another regular day at Element Middle School, but they'd be wrong. Today is Valentines Day! It wasn't a big deal throughout the entire school, but it was in my 6th grade class.

We put heart decorations all over the classrooms we were in, and many people had made Valentines for each other. I didn't plan anything, because I figured that my crush would reject me and laugh in my face.

I went to each of my morning classes and witnessed the typical Valentine's Day activities: kids sharing cards, handing out candy, all good stuff. The only gifts I received were from my friends, and I was fine with that. Although, I kinda wished my crush would give me something.

My crush is Wade Ripple. He's cute, super funny, and really caring. I don't think he even knows I exist. Anyways, after my morning classes, I went to lunch and sat with my friends. 

My friend Lily sat next to me and nudged me in the arm. "Soooo, Y/N, did you give Wade anything yet?"

I shushed her and our friends giggled. "No, I didn't. I'm too scared."

They all looked at me dumbfounded. "Oh, c'mon Y/N, what's the worst that could happen?" My friend River asked, tilting her head. 

"He could laugh with his friends, think I'm a weirdo, and then never talk to me again."

"Pfft, Y/N. Wade wouldn't do that."

"STOP SAYING HIS NAME!" I said louder, but not loud enough for others to hear.

"Ok fine, but seriously girl, you have to do something."

I didn't know how to respond, but the bell ringing saved me. "Oh look at the time! I gotta go!" I sped off before they could respond. I had English class next, and none of them were in it. I did have kids in the class I talked to though, but we weren't super close.

I sat down in my desk, and then a swarm of students came in. In that group of students was Wade. This was one of the only classes we had together. Once we were all seated and the bell rang, the teacher went to the front of the classroom.

"Hello students! Since today is Valentine's Day, we are going to be writing about love! Write a love story, a love poem, whatever you want! After everyone is finished, you can share if you want to." She smiled and I got an idea. It was risky, but my friends told me I needed to do something. So, I would write a love poem about him, not saying his name, and then present it to the class to see if he gets the hint. 

We spent about 20 minutes writing, and the teacher cut us off. A few kids presented sappy pieces, and I'm sure that mine wasn't much better. We had five minutes left of class, when the teacher asked for the final presenter. I raised my hand, and she motioned me up to the front of the class; all eyes were on me, including Wades. 

"Roses are red,Violets are blue.Comedians are funny,And so are you.

Orchids are white,
Ghost ones are rare.
The ocean has waves,
And so does your hair.

Sunflowers reach,
Up to the skies.
The sky is blue,
And so are your eyes.

Models are pretty,
Fashionistas have style.
A party is welcoming,
And so is your smile.

So happy Valentine's Day,
What I say is true.
I am forever here to stay,
And I hope you like me too."

The class went wild, and the bell rang. People were cheering and saying "awww". I refused to look at anyone as I left the classroom, especially Wade. I had no idea how he reacted, and maybe that was for the best. Since I had a free period next, I went to the library. Too many people went to the bathroom and the cafeteria, so the library became my spot. Barely anyone came to the library, so it was peaceful. 

I always sat by a table in the very back of the library because it was far removed, and close to the poetry section. I put on my headphones and began to read and learn. A few minutes later, I saw a figure sit in front of me. I looked up to see it was Wade! He smiled at me, and I took my headphones off. 

"H-hi Wade!"

He smiled at me. "Hi Y/N. Can I ask you a quick question?

"S-sure! What is it?"

He looked me straight in the eyes. "Was that poem about me?"

I blushed hard and lowered my head. "Yeah..."

"Well, then I guess it's a good time to give this to you."

I looked up, shocked, as he handed me a card. Taped onto the card was a heart shaped lolipop. I opened the card and read it to myself. "Y/N, I think you're a really cool person, and I want to get to know you better. Will you go with me to our school's basketball game Saturday night? <3 Wade."

I gasped. "Of course, I'll go with you!" I wanted to hug him, but I knew that wouldn't be the best decision since we were still in a school library. 

"Really? Great! Meet me in front of the school gymnasium at 6:45. Then we can walk in together and spend the night with each other."

I smiled. "That works for me!"

He smiled back and then the bell rang. I walked to my next class, more like skipped to my next class. It was science, and I had it with most of my friends. They noticed how I was acting when I came in, and confronted me.

"Woah girl, what's up with you?"


All of them screamed and the teacher told them to be quiet. 


I spent the rest of the day with a huge smile on my face. Best Valentine's Day ever!!

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