Big Game

663 14 10

This chapter was requested by @MelonMelMel8 

Y/N Element: water
Y/N Gender: female


Today, I was bored out of my mind. It was dreary outside and really muggy, so I didn't want to be in nature. I texted my sister, Marissa, who lived across town to see what she was up to. 

Y/N- Heyy

S/N- What's up?

Y/N- I was wondering if you had anything going on today?

S/N- nothing in particular. wanna meet up?

Y/N- sure! meet me at Element Park. we can figure out what do to from there.

S/N- *opened*

I sighed and got up from my bed. From there, I got changed, did my hair, and put on (whatever accessories you wear. i know for me its bracelets, rings, and earrings, but it's different for everyone). 

Since my apartment wasn't that far from Element Park, I decided to just walk. Once I got there, it was only a few minutes later that my sister got there too. I smiled and she hugged me. We always got along pretty well; sure, we had some moments, but always came out on top. 

"Sooo, what were you thinking?"

I shrugged. "Not sure. Do you know if there's anything going on?"

She was silent for a bit until an idea seemed to meet her head. "I think there's a Windbreaker's game at the stadium. Brody is selling tickets today, so he will definitely give us a discount."

Brody, Marissa's earth element boyfriend, sells tickets for Windbreaker home games. They had been dating for a few years, and they were very close.

I smiled. "Sounds like a plan!"

We made our way to the stadium and were soon engulfed in a crowd of people. The Windbreakers were very popular around here, and the fans were very prideful.

The line for tickets wasn't that long, so we only waited a few minutes until we met Brody. He seemed to lighten up at the sight of my sister.

"Two tickets please." She smiled and he smiled in return.

"Of course! Enjoy the game."

She took the tickets from his hand and gave me one. We went to the door and showed the guard our tickets, and he let us in. Marissa scanned the stadium for seats and tugged on my arm when she found them. 

She led me to the seats, and I saw that they were beside a group of all water guys wearing Windbreaker's merch galore. She gave me "the look" and I rolled my eyes. She definitely thought that I was going to meet someone here, but I had little hope. 

A few of the guys noticed our presence, but they quickly went back to cheering. My sister ushered me to sit beside one of the guys, and I obliged. Once I sat down, I felt his eyes on me. "Hi! I'm Wade."

I looked to him. "I'm Y/N."

"Have you ever been to one of these games?"

I shook my head. "I've watched them on TV, but I'm not into large crowds."

"That's ok! But the crowds here are usually friendly, just VERY energetic."

I giggled and then looked back at the court to see the two teams coming out ready to play. 

~~~~~time skip bc i can't narrate a full game~~~~~

It was nearing the end of the game, and my sister got up to go to the bathroom, so I was left alone. While paying attention to the game, I noticed one of the players was really struggling. I nudged on Wade's arm and then pointed to the player.

"Do you know what's going on with him."

"Oh, his mom is really sick, and he's letting if affect his performance."

Wade began crying, and I had no idea how to react. He then began to start chanting "We love you Lutz!", and his friends joined in. Soon, it was being chanted throughout the entire stadium. As people were chanting it, Wade began a wave, and everyone joined in. I stared in astonishment at what was happening, but then quickly looked back to Lutz to see if he knew what was going on. 

He seemed to perk up slightly, but then got a major confidence boost as he heard what they were saying. Soon after, he scored the game winning goal, and the stadium got even louder than it already was. 

My sister came back from the bathroom confused. "What happened?"

Wade excitedly grabbed me and started shaking. "They won!!"

He then realized what he was doing, blushed, and took his hands off my shoulders. My sister smirked at me and I just looked at her with wide eyes. 

Then everyone began to exit the stadium and I kept quiet. Once we exited the stadium, my sister turned to me. "You have to get that guy's number."

"Marissa! I just met him!"

"Yeah, but you two obviously had something going on."

She looked behind me and pointed. "He's right back there waiting for his friends. Go now before it's too late."


I walked towards him, and he turned to me. "I know this is probably really random, but can I have your number?"

He happily nodded, and we put our numbers into each other's phones. "You seem like a really sweet girl; I'd love to get to know you better."

I smiled and then walked away to my sister. I saw his friends approach him again, and then they all walked away. Wade turned around and waved at me, so I waved back. 

"See how easy that was!" My sister gently punched me in the arm.

"Shut up."

We then went our separate ways, and I began to text Wade, planning our first date.

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