Secret Admirer

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Y/N Element: fire
Y/N Gender: female


It was yet another busy day in the shop, and I was about to fall asleep at the register. Ember was out making deliveries, so I was stuck running the shop for the time being. Even though we're twin sisters, we could not be more different. Ember: rule follower who RARELY, if never, leaves Fire Town. Y/N: rule breaker who rarely is in Fire Town. I absolutely love exploring and meeting people all over Element City. I know my parents aren't too fond of it, nor is Ember, but as long as I help out in the shop once in a while, they're all fine with it. They know that I'm not taking over ownership of the shop, and moving away as soon as I can land a job.

I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life, so I used my drive to explore to try and find something. I explored every inch of Element City, and I met so many people. Some business runners even wanted to partner up with my family's shop, but my father insisted we didn't in order to keep the authenticity. I endlessly tried to bribe my sister into adventuring with me, but she always declined saying she "needed to be at the shop."

Another reason my parents let me adventure out was because it brought in more customers. Every element stepped in our store at least 5 times a day. My dad was still eerie about the water people, but I told him that if any water person caused trouble, I would take responsibility and handle it. This led to much more business, and more people getting to know the wonders of Fire Town.

As I helped out customers, Ember walked in because she had finished her deliveries for the day. "Hey, Y/N, how you holding up?"

I sighed. "Fine, I guess. It gets boring without you around."

She snickered. "I'm not sure if that was meant to be a compliment or an insult."

I smirked. "It can be taken in whatever context you want it to be."

She rolled her eyes as an Earth person walked into our shop. He looked to be a mail carrier. "Excuse me, does Y/N Lumen live here?"

Ember and I raised our eyebrows, and I stepped out from behind the desk. "Yeah, I'm Y/N."

"Ok good! Cause this delivery is for you! It doesn't say who from though." He held out a box to me. "Be careful though, it says fragile delivery."

I gently took the box from his hands and smiled slightly at him. "Thanks! I guess."

Ember interjected. "Would you be interested in buying anything from our shop while your here?"

He looked around. "Yeah, there seems to be some cool stuff around here. I might look around for a bit."

He walked towards the shelves and Ember cheered quietly at successfully gaining a customer. She then looked over to me, still holding the box in my hands.

"What do you think is in it?" I began to scan the box.

She shrugged. "I have no clue. You should open it!"

I gently tore off the tape and opened the flaps of the box to reveal a bouquet of roses in a small glass vase full of water. A note was tied around the vase with a thin string. To Y/N, nothing could ever match your beauty, so I had to settle for roses instead. I hope you like them! -Anonymous

As Ember and I read the note, our eyes widened. "Who is that?!" She exclaimed.

"I don't know! I meet so many new people every day; it could literally be anyone." I thought back to all the people I met recently, but there were too many to remember them all. I put the vase on the side of the desk and my mom came in; she noticed the vase and gasped.

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