White Flame

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sage_notreal and @StellaEstrella123 requested ideas for this chapter. I hope yall don't mind that I combined the ideas, it just happened to work really well :D. Also, in this oneshot, Wade and Y/N are teens, and Wade has an internship with the inspection company.

Y/N Element: fire
Y/N Gender: any

Since I was little, I've always been a little special. Instead of the typical reddish-orange color that fire should be, I'm a grayish white. I learned over time that I didn't affect other elements, even though I am still a fire person. Although, that didn't stop me from getting bullied.

I tried being as nice as I could, but it didn't matter. Since I was constantly getting bullied and had no friends, my mom decided that the best decision was to move. She found a place titled Element City, known for its acceptance of all elements, unlike our old town. 

I had only been in Element City for a week now, and so far, I haven't had to talk to others; it was great! This was until there was a knock on our door. My mom answered it to see a water guy.

"Hello! Does this happen to be the L/N residence?"

She eyed him skeptically. "Yes, may I ask why you're here?"

"Oh! Just a quick house inspection. My company just wanted to make sure this was a good place for people to live in."

My mom snickered. "Well, we just moved here, so it better be good." 

I listened to this conversation from my room. I was sitting on my bed and on my laptop doing homework for my online school, hoping that he wouldn't need to come into my room. It took a few minutes, but then he did end up coming in my room. I was slightly startled, so I gave a glare out of instinct.

He looked shocked. "I am so sorry! Can I come in?"

I looked back down to my laptop. "If you need too."

He did a quick inspection of my room, and then was about to walk out, when he turned back to me. "You seem like you're my age. How old are you."

"I'm 16." I didn't look up from my laptop.

"I'm 17." He smiled and looked at my laptop. "Do you take online classes?" 

I nodded. "Yup. I got bullied so much at my old school in my old town, that I decided it would be best to do online schooling."

A sad look came onto his face. "Why would you be bullied? I don't see anything wrong with you."

I looked at him dumbfounded. "Are you being serious?"

He smiled nervousy. "Yes?"

I sighed. "I'm a white fire. Not the red and orange that every other fire person is."

He tilted his head. "You were bullied because of that? I think it suits you!"

I looked up and gave him a slight smile. "Thanks. I'm Y/N."

He smiled in return. "I'm Wade. Oh! Have you been around the full city yet?"

I shook my head. "No, I haven't had the chance."

"Great! I'm off work tomorrow, so what do you say I show you around?"

"Sounds good."

"Meet me at the train station tomorrow at 11 am. We can take the train from there and go to each location. I can't wait!"

  He walked back downstairs and addressed my mom. He told her that our house was in perfect condition, and he asked her permission to show me around town. She agreed and then I heard the door close. My mom then stormed upstairs. "Is this a new friend I hear?"

I chuckled. "Mom..."

She hugged me. "This is so good! I'm so happy for you."

I smiled. "Thanks mom."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was now the next day, and I was excited. I didn't want to get my hopes up too much though just in case this was yet another prank on me. 

I got ready as I would usually would, and then walked to the train station. When I got there, I saw Wade standing in front. First step: I didn't get stood up for once! He saw me, and his face lit up. He excitedly waved at me, and I shyly waved back. 

"I'm so glad you could make it, Y/N! This is so exciting!"

We got on the train, and one by one hit each spot that he wanted me to see. Overall, this city was stunning. Everything was lively and colors were everywhere. He also introduced me to other people, and they were all extremely nice to me. Everyone I talked to thought my white flame was crazy cool, as well as how I didn't react to other elements. This was new for me, but I loved it. 

Wade and I also found out we had a lot in common as we talked throughout the day. Our last stop was Periodic Park, and I absolutely loved it. Colors were everywhere, and it was nice to be outside.

I looked over to Wade. "Thank you for getting me out the house today. It's nice to finally say I have a friend."

He smiled at me. "You deserved so much better, Y/N. You're a really nice person who didn't deserve to be bullied, not at all."

We then heard music beginning to play in the background. He begun to dance, and I laughed slightly at the energy he had. He looked over at me and motioned for me to join him. I danced next to him, and we enjoyed it. When the music ended, I looked over at him, but then backed away. 

"Wait a second, do you have a girlfriend?"

He violently shook his head. "No! No, I'm single, and I'm trying to figure it all out..."

I smiled. "I relate to you there, Wade."

He smiled at me, understanding what I meant. "We should do this again sometime."

"I agree. Thanks again for today."

"Anytime Y/N."

We got onto the train once more and went back to my house. When we got to my house, he held out his arms, so I hugged him. I then walked back to my door and turned to him. He waved at me, and I waved back. He then walked away, and I sighed. I opened the door to see my mom in the kitchen. "So, I take it that your day went well?"

"Yup! I finally have a true friend."

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