
723 18 4

Y/N Element: earth
Y/N Gender: female

(Thank you to @LAZY-EMMY-ART for the request. Sorry for the lateness. If I had known that July 2023 would be the month that would flip my life 180, I would've been prepared. This is also really short, and I feel bad. I'll try to make up for it. Thank y'all for understanding).

Wade POV:

I was currently walking home from my job, a long day behind me. I had just arrived at my family's house, and I nodded at the security guard. He then smiled at me. "Oh! A young woman left this for you." He reached for a small vase behind him, and showed it to me, revealing a rose. I inspected it for a few moments until one thought came to my mind.


I smiled. I knew that she was the one who left it. I thanked him, took the vase, and went up to my room. 

As I was about to step onto the stairs, my mom approached me. "Woah woah woah, what do you have there?"

We both looked at the rose and then up at each other again. 

"Wait, is that from who I think it's from?"

I nodded.

"Aww cute! Yet another one to add to the bouquet."

We laughed. I had a big vase full of Y/N's flowers in my bedroom. She was known to leave little flowers every once in a while. Although, I had never seen her leave any. 

"You two are cute together." My brother Alan joined the conversation. Marco and Polo followed him.

"Yeah! We can't wait for her to be Aunt Y/N!" They laughed and I blushed.

"Guys...that's a very futuristic topic..." I trailed off, and then Alan stepped in.

"Yeah kids, leave him alone. He'll just be stuck being a scaredy cat until he proposes." 

"HEY!!" I got extremely flustered, and everyone began laughing. 

My mom shook her head slightly. "Wade, it's ok. There's no pressure to do anything. Do whatever you want." She gave me a reassuring smile which eased my panic. 

I then excused myself to my room and closed my door. I sighed, and then took the rose out of the small vase and put in into the large one with other flowers. I sat on my bed and gazed at the large vase. 

The flowers were pretty, but nothing in comparison to Y/N's beauty. She was really shy, but had a pure heart.

I went to sleep and slept a few hours until it was the next day. I thought it would be nice to surprise Y/N at her apartment. I had nothing today, so I wanted to see what Y/N was up to. 

I got to her apartment, to see her exiting the building, a lily in hand. She then turned around and saw me, her face lighting up. I smiled, waved, and approached her. She held out the lily to me.

"I w-was just leaving to give these t-to you."

I took the lily, but then put it on top of her ear. "You keep it this time."

She got pink, and then we spent the rest of the day together. 

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