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A/N: I am so sorry for the one-month hiatus i took. my school and sport life has been insane, and my life has been so stupid lately. So stupid busy that I haven't even had two seconds to write. I feel extremely guilty, but I think I have a supportive enough community behind me that yall will understand. after Halloween, my schedule will be so much better, so I plan to be writing much more frequently. I love you guys <3

Requested by@Batim3 

Y/N Element: any
Y/N Gender: male


It was a sunny afternoon, soon to be evening, and I sat outside on my tire swing. We had a stunning courtyard with many places to spend my time, but I couldn't let go of my swing. I've had it since I was really little, and it brings me peace.

I gently swung back and forth as I read a (favorite genre) book. Being homeschooled was one of the best decisions my mom made for me. Sure, I didn't talk to others much, but it gave me more time to pursue my interests. 

Although sometimes I went out into the public under disguise to walk through the market and go to the library. If I went as myself, the prince of (Element) Isle, I would need all this security and I would be bombarded by paparazzi. Fortunately, I know how to do some decent makeup, and I have enough "townspeople" clothes that I blended in perfectly fine and safely. 

"Prince Y/N? Son where are you?" My mom called out; I could hear her through the open bedroom window.

"I'm down here mother!" I saw her look out the window and down at me. I waved and she smiled.

"Do you mind coming inside for a few minutes? I have some exciting news!"

"Not at all! I'll be right up." I got off the swing and walked back inside. Quite a few servants roamed the halls at a faster pace than usual, but they all still stopped to say hello to me. I had just entered the hallway of bedrooms when I saw my mom exit her bedroom. 

"Oh! There you are!"

"Yep, what's the exciting news?"

"I know its super last minute, but I just got in touch with my close friend, Queen Brook, again from Waterland, and I wanted to see her again, so I invited her over for dinner."

"Oh, that's great!"

"It is. I also believe she have a son your age, so she is bringing him so you two can talk."

"Good to know! What time should I be ready for their arrival?"

"Hmm, she said they would be at the castle by 7pm, so plan for 6:45 just in case."

We exchanged smiles and then went our separate ways again. I spent the rest of the afternoon helping the servants with getting the dining room ready, and making sure the overall grounds were clean and presentable. As always, they were. Our crew at the castle was the best. 

At 6:30, I put on a dressier outfit, but not a full suit and tie, because I felt that wasn't necessary, and my mother agreed. I then made my way to the entrance gate of the castle because my mom wanted me to welcome them in and show them around. 

A little before 7pm, I heard a knock on the front gate. One of the servants rushed to the other side to help me open the gate. I was then faced with two very happy water people, a mother and son. Immediately the Queen rushed towards me.

"Oh my goodness Y/N! I haven't seen you since you were little! Can I give you a hug?"

I nodded and she quickly hugged me. I then looked behind her to see her son, he was looking around the interior of the castle.

We then parted the hug and she turned around to him. "Oh, Y/N, I would like you to meet my son, Wade."

Wade was snapped out of his thoughts, and he looked at me. He waved, so I waved back.

"Y/N, where is your mom at?"

As soon as she said it, my mom excitedly came running down the staircase. My mom and Queen Brook both squealed and hugged each other. I then slowly moved closer to Wade. 

"Do you know how they know each other?"

"Not a clue." 

We made eye contact, and both began to laugh. Our moms parted, and then my mom looked at us. 

"I know I told Y/N that he was to show you both around, but I might as well because I'm here now!" She and Queen Brook laughed, and Wade and I just smiled. 

We spent quite a bit of time walking around, showing them the grounds. The last stop we made was to the dining room, where we got ready for a dinner. We sat down, me and my mom on one side, Prince Wade and Queen Brook on the other. 

As the servants gave us our food and drinks in intervals, Wade and I watched as our moms talked. About halfway through the dinner, we began to talk as well, and we found out we had quite a bit in common. He wasn't homeschooled, but he was introverted like me. He also loved being outside. 

Even after desserts had been served and eaten, our moms continued to talk about everything. Wade and I had grown silent, until I got an idea. 

I gently tapped my mom on the shoulder. "Excuse me, but, Wade and I are going on a walk."

Both moms smiled. "Ok! Have fun you two."

Wade and I quickly walked away towards the door. Wade glanced at me "I know this sounds bad, because I love my mom, but she can be quite the talker."

I laughed slightly, "oh I get it. My mom barely gets out anymore, so these moments are really important to her."

"Nights like these should happen more often. It only took us a little less than 30 minutes to get over here, so it's really no inconvenience." 

"I agree, it's nice to now have someone my age to talk to... would you want to know a secret?"

"Of course."

"Well, it's not really a secret, but I know a place that only I go to get away from reality for a bit, and I'd love for you to see it."

"Lead the way."

I took him outside to where the courtyard was. It was dimly lit by torches and the fireflies that hovered over the grass. I then looked towards the swing, and so did he.

"I've had this swing since I was really little, and I still love using it. You may think it's childish, but that's ok."

"N-no! Not at all! I think it's nice how you remember things like that."

I then looked into his eyes. "You really think so?"

"I know so." He smiled at me.

Thankfully, it was pitch black outside, so he couldn't see my blush. I saw him look up to the sky, so I did too.

"It's a really stary night. Mind if we stay out here for a bit longer?" Wade asked.

"Not at all." We both laid down in the grass and spent the rest of the night talking and looking up at the stars.

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